Month: November 1975

Opinion 425

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #425 – 11/25/1975 (101-75) advice, existing clients, competency, duty of lawyer, legal advice, matrimonial matters Topic: Scope of the attorney’s duty in matrimonial proceedings Digest: Attorney as a minimum must inform his client that child custody, support, alimony and property division are topics to be … Continued

Opinion 424

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #424- 11/25/1975 (99-75) appearance, conflict of interests, county legislator, criminal practice, legislature, part-time public, prosecutors Clarified by #431 Topic: County legislator; criminal practice Digest: Improper for part-time county legislator to represent defendant in the same county when the prosecution is by the district attorney who … Continued

Opinion 423

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #423 – 11/06/1975 (91-75) collection, corporation, dual practice, non-lawyer, professional Topic: Merger of law firm and collection agency Digest: Not proper for law firm or professional corporation to engage in the business of collection agency Code: DR 3-103; 3-101(A); 5-107(C) EC 3-8; 5-23 QUESTION May … Continued

Opinion 422

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #422 – 11/06/1975 (86-75) confidences, employee Topic: Secretary; employment Digest: Attorney having adversarial matters with law firm may properly employ secretary leaving that firm if precaution is taken to prevent disclosure of confidential information Code: Canon 9; EC 4-1, 4-6; DR 4-101(D) QUESTION May an … Continued