Month: January 1999

Opinion 712

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Adverse interests, conflict of interest, partnership Committee on Professional Ethics  Opinion # 712 – 01/07/1998 (38-98) Topic:         Conflict of interest; financial interest. Digest:              Where lawyer   is beneficiary of trust holding stock in corporations which may become clients or opponents of clients, lawyer has no conflict of interest or disclosure … Continued

Opinion 711

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Insurance Committee on Professional Ethics  Opinion # 711 – 01/07/1998 (41-98) Topic:             Conflict of interest; dual practice as lawyer and insurance agent. Digest:           Lawyer representing clients in estate planning may not sell long-term care insurance to clients. Code:             DR 5-101(A); DR 5-104(A). QUESTION           May a lawyer who is licensed … Continued