Month: May 2020

Summary of Executive Order 202.31

On May 14, 2020, Governor Andrew Cuomo issued Executive Order 202.31 invoking new powers from a law passed to combat the COVID-19 pandemic to temporarily suspend or modify laws necessary to assist or aid in coping with a declared State disaster emergency. On March 3, 2020, the Governor signed into law legislation that expanded his … Continued

Negotiating Contracts in the Era of COVID-19

When it comes to negotiation, there are three pillars: knowing the deal, drafting the deal and protecting your clients. These three pillars will soon have a “COVID overlay” according to New York attorney Jill Pilgrim of Pilgrim & Associates.  Some of these COVID-19 considerations may in fact be “deal killers.” “COVID-19 is going to impact … Continued

The Time for Remote Co-op Closings Has Arrived

In the post-New York on Pause / pre-vaccine world that we may soon be entering, managing agents and cooperative apartment corporation boards should offer remote apartment closings as an option, if not the norm.