Month: November 2021

How NYSBA Helped Secure the Right to Clean Air and Water for New Yorkers

When he was president of NYSBA in 2015, David Miranda formed a committee on the state constitution in anticipation of  a public question on whether New York should hold a constitutional convention. NYSBA backed the idea but several prominent environmental groups opposed it, fearing a rollback of environmental protections in the wake of  President Donald … Continued

New York State Bar Association Task Force Begins To Unravel the Impact of COVID-19 on New Lawyers and Law Students

Technology and remote learning have provided more flexibility and a new way of achieving a work/life balance for new lawyers and law students, participants at a discussion on the post-pandemic future of the profession said at a forum Wednesday night.  Prior to COVID-19,  Sophia Terrassi, an associate at Ingerman Smith, said “The practice of law, … Continued

Member Spotlight: Helen Naves

NYSBA is such a diverse and friendly community open to lawyers from all over the world who want to be integrated and connected to their peers. It’s a place to learn about the law, which is constantly evolving and to share professional experiences.