Through the Health Law Section you will have the opportunity to meet and network with other health law attorneys, as well as have access to many great benefits specific to your area of practice.


  • Earn CLE credit and learn at our New York-specific and high-quality educational programs and networking events.
  • Join a committee for professional growth opportunities — the Health Law Section has more than a dozen substantive committees that provide members with opportunities to learn about specific practice areas — and work to influence the laws that can affect your practice.
  • Membership at your fingertips — participate on the Section’s private online community, to post requests for guidance and referrals from health law attorneys from across the state.


The Section’s newsletter, the Health Law Journal, features peer-written substantive articles relating to the practice of health law on various topics, including the Family Health Care Decisions Act, HIPAA, nursing homes, managed care, mental health, medical ethics, and long-term care.


Health Law Section members may join any of the Section’s committees at no additional charge. Click the tab marked ‘Section Committees’ to find a full list of committees.

Current Health Law Section members may join a committee by updating your NYSBA member profile online.

Important Notice About Committee Memberships
Section committee memberships are self-managed. Please confirm your committee memberships when renewing your Health Law Section dues to ensure that you continue to receive all communications, meeting details, and any community access. Failure to confirm this information may result in your being removed from the committee member rosters.

The Health Law Section has been in the forefront of introducing, monitoring and evaluating legal developments in the area of Health Law at both federal and New York State levels.

Current NYSBA Members may join the Health Law Section by updating their member profiles online at https://www.sso.nysba.org/ or by calling NYSBA’s Member Resource Center direct at 1-800-582-2452.

Health Law Section- LinkedIn

To learn more about this Section, please contact Bridget Donlon.
[email protected]
(518) 487-5531

Please do not contact the Section liaison with a request for legal advice or an attorney referral. You can instead visit our ‘Public Resources’ or ‘Lawyer Referral Service’ page for this type of request.

Mary Beth Quaranta Morrissey, PhD, MPH, JD

Yeshiva University

On June 1st, 2024, Mary Beth Quaranta Morrissey, PhD, JD, MPH, assumed the role of Chair of the New York State Bar Association Health Law Section. Dr. Morrissey moves into this role after serving in numerous leadership roles both in the Health Law Section and in the wider New York State Bar Association (NYSBA). Concentrating her practice in health and public health law, Dr. Morrissey has served as past Chair of the Section’s Public Health Law Committee and in several officer roles. She has also been honored to serve during the pandemic as chair of the Health Law Section’s COVID Task Force as well as the  NYSBATask Force on Mandatory Vaccination, and most recently, as chair of the NYSBA Task Force on Medical Aid in Dying.

During her term as Health Law Section Chair, Mary Beth will bring a heightened focus to bear on the intersections of  law, jurisprudence, and science in her work with colleagues in the Section and the wider bar. An issue close to Mary Beth’s heart is the current public health crisis in Maternal Health in the United States that is disproportionately affecting Black mothers – the subject of the next Special Issue of the Health Law Journal.

In her career at the Wurzweiler School of Yeshiva University, Dr. Morrissey holds the appointment of Associate Professor and Director of the PhD Program in Social Welfare Policy. She is a well-known gerontological health researcher, scholar, and public policy expert on a diverse range of issues including immigration; health care; long-term care; hospice, palliative and end-of-life care; and elder abuse. She also holds leadership roles in the American Psychological Association, The Gerontological Society of America, and the New York State Society on Aging.

Mary Beth resides in White Plains with her husband Ed and her dog Milo, and enjoys visits with her five adult children Dr. Mary Breda Morrissey, Kathleen Morrissey, Kerianne Morrissey, Esq., Teddy Morrissey, and John Morrissey, and her four grandchildren Mary Ann, Jean Pierre, Claire, and Margaret Jacquet.

Online Community

Health Law Section Publications

Newly released issues are restricted to Section & Committee Members only for the first 90 days, after which they become available to all members.

Health Law Section Vol 30 No1

Health Law Journal

The Health Law Journal features peer-reviewed substantive articles relating to the practice of health law on various topics including the Family Health Care Decisions Act, HIPAA, nursing homes, managed care, mental health, medical ethics, and long-term care. Also included are regular features on recent cases, legislation and publications, as well as updates on Section activities. Edited by Cassandra DiNova, Esq., the Health Law Journal is published by the Health Law Section and distributed to Section members free of charge.

The Journal is published as a benefit for members of the Health Law Section and is copyrighted by the New York State Bar Association.

The Health Law Journal encourages article submissions on topics of interest to members of the Section. Writing an article for a NYSBA Section publication is a great way to get your name out in the legal community and advertise your knowledge. Our authors are respected state-wide for their legal expertise in such areas as HIPAA, nursing homes, managed care, mental health, medical ethics and long-term care.

Image Placeholder

Article Library

Looking for specific articles from our issues? Explore our library of individual articles, available from current and past editions.

View article library

Author Guidelines

NYSBA has created comprehensive author guidelines, with information regarding our reprint policy, style guidelines, and obtaining MCLE Author Credits.

Health Law Section Reports

Please find attached the Health Law Section COVID-19 Resolutions, as clarified and revised since June 2020. These revised Resolutions will be submitted to the New York State Bar Association (NYSBA) House of Delegates (HOD) for review, consideration and formal action on November 7th , 2020.

Also attached is the full Health Law Section COVID-19 Report which was submitted to the HOD for its June 13th meeting. The attached version, revised September 20th, reflects technical corrections. The Health Law Section COVID-19 Report is provided for information and reference, and not for the purposes of consideration by the HOD at its November meeting.

April 3, 2018
Proposed Department of Health Rule by the NYSBA Health Law Section – The proposed rule would revise: 10 NYCRR 58.1.8: Results of tests to be reported only to physicians or other authorized persons. This proposal would revise New York State regulations to allow research laboratories to disclose research findings that arise in an Institutional Review Board (IRB) approved study, and that may be clinically significant, to the health care provider designated by the study subject.

September 2009
Summary Report on Healthcare Costs: Legal Issues, Barriers and Solutions


The New York State Bar Association (NYSBA) Health Law Diversity Fellowship Program was developed in 2011 by the Health Law Section as part of the New York State Bar Association’s Diversity Challenge to develop and execute initiatives to increase the diversity of its membership, leadership and programs.

The Fellowship is operated in partnership with and administered by the New York State Bar Foundation.  The primary goal of the Diversity Summer Fellowship in Health Law is to increase the representation of lawyers and students from a diverse range of health law backgrounds due to the ambition of NYSBA’s Diversity Challenge and provide students an opportunity to experience health law practice.

Eligibility – Law student from a diverse background must be enrolled in a New York State accredited law school.

Length – 8 weeks

Paid Stipend – $6,000

Apply Here: Download application (PDF)

Application Deadline – The application deadline is Monday, December 9, 2024

For more information, please email: [email protected], and please include ‘Health Law Fellowship’ on the subject line.

Past Recipients

Learn about all previous Fellowship Recipients by clicking the link below.

Health Law Section at Annual Meeting 2025


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