The Workplace Rights and Responsibilities (WRR) Committee concentrates on matters that apply to individual employees and their employers, most often but not necessarily in non-union workplaces. Examples of such matters include employment and separation agreements, restrictive covenants, state and federal whistleblower laws, and the Family Medical Leave Act, among other general areas of employment law. Specific, narrower issues include New York’s “Lawful Activities” statute, unemployment insurance issues, the New York State Department of Labor’s Hospitality Industry Wage Order, the Domestic Workers’ Bill of Rights, workers compensation issues, and the like.

Indeed, the WRR Committee’s work is found in any employment law matter that is outside the specific purview of any other LEL Section Committee whose focus is on a specific statute or group of related statutes (e.g., Wage & Hour Committee or the EEO Committee) or a specific group of employees (e.g., the Public Sector Committee). The WRR Committee’s jurisdiction thus is quite broad and often intersects with that of other LEL Committees, presenting excellent opportunities for cross-committee collaboration. The areas we cover include many of the cutting-edge issues that employment lawyers and neutrals analyze, handle, advise upon, and resolve on a daily basis.

Committee Co-Chairs:

  • Geoffrey A. Mort, Kraus & Zuchlewski LLP
  • Robert T. Szyba, Seyfarth Shaw LLP
  • Jose Luis Manjarrez

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