2024 Partnership Conference: Public Benefits Training for Housing Attorneys (Video Replay)
Tenants represented by legal services advocates are often eligible for public benefits that could prevent eviction or assist households in relocating. This training will provide a brief overview of all public benefits and offer housing advocates the essential tools, tips, and rules to maximize benefits in the household and prevent evictions, with an emphasis on screening & intake to improve outcomes. The training will help housing advocates identify whether their clients facing eviction can obtain rental assistance for arrears and ongoing rent from their local Department of Social Services under the Emergency Assistance to Families, (EAF) program, Emergency Safety Net Assistance (ESNA), Emergency Assistance to Adults (EAA), Diversion payments or other available rental assistance programs. The training will describe the eligibility criteria, including key budgeting rules, and the benefits available under each program.
Susan Antos, Managing Attorney Public Benefits Practice Group, Empire Justice Center
Paula Arboleda, Director, Health Advocacy Management Team of Bronx Legal Services’ Public Benefits Unit & LGBTQ Advocacy Project
Deborah Berkman, Project Director, New York Legal Assistance Group Public Benefits Unit Founder, NYLAG’s Shelter Advocacy Initiative
A.J. Durwin, Managing Attorney, Tenant Advocacy
Haley Kulakowski, Public Benefits Attorney, Empire Justice Center
Jack Newton, Co-Director, Public Benefits Unit, Legal Services NYC/Bronx
Diana Proske, Supervising Attorney, Public Benefits Unit, Neighborhood Legal Services, Inc.
This program was originally presented as part of the 2024 Partnership Conference.
- December 6, 2024
- 10:00 AM
- 11:15 AM
- 1.5
- 1.5
- Virtual Participation
- Webinar
- PROPC24_19Z
- Committee on Continuing Legal Education