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Publication: Women in Law Connect

WILS Virtual Holiday Social Hour

On December 13, 2023, WILS hosted its annual virtual holiday social hour during lunchtime. We had the perfect number of attendees, and everyone who joined had an opportunity to introduce themselves and say a few words about what they enjoy about WILS membership, our mission, and our programming. We were thrilled to welcome both current … Continued

WILS Partners Committee Meetings: Challenges, Triumphs and Setting Goals

In November, the WILS Partners Committee held its second quarterly meeting for 2023 at Lowenstein Sandler’s offices in midtown Manhattan. In a shift from the inaugural program which featured an outside speaker who addressed executive presence, the committee met informally to share their latest challenges and triumphs. Many women stayed well past the 90-minute mark, … Continued

WILS Members in the News

Margaret O. Sowah Awarded Prestigious Bernard Botein Medal Margaret O. Sowah, the Deputy Clerk of the Supreme Court, Appellate Division, First Department, received the Bernard Botein Medal “for outstanding contributions to the administration of the courts” from the New York City Bar Association. Presented to Ms. Sowah on March 25, 2024 by the New York … Continued

Why the United States Needs an Equal Rights Amendment

The United States is one of the few Western nations with a constitution that does not have a clause guaranteeing equal rights for women. In fact, some form of equal rights protection for gender is included in 184 out of the 200 written constitutions in the world.1 As a result, U.S. women lack the tools they … Continued

Why New York Needs an Equal Rights Amendment

The United States Supreme Court and states across the country are rolling back our rights. While the 2022 Dobbs decision eviscerated the federal constitutional right to abortion, we are also witnessing a much broader assault on our values. Politicians, lawyers, and judges have launched legal actions and issued decisions designed to whittle away voting protections and weaponize … Continued

What the Equal Rights Amendment Will Mean in New York

On Nov. 5, 2024, New York voters will be asked to decide whether New York amends its constitution to include an equal rights amendment. Below is a discussion of the amendment and its path to the ballot as well as its potential impact on the rights and protections of New York’s citizens. The timing of … Continued

The Struggle with the ERA

My Reservations I dreaded writing this article, I’ll admit it. On the one hand, women’s equality should not be a controversial issue. On the other hand, the idea of women’s equality seems to invoke—and stoke—so much debate (at best) and fear (at worst) as to elicit visceral reactions when the topic is raised. Why do … Continued