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Editor’s Note

By Elissa D. Hecker

Editor’s Note

Happy Summer!

Please feel free to reach out about any article or ideas that you may have for the Journal or Blog at [email protected].

The next deadline is August 31st, 2023.

Pro Bono Update


The Pro Bono, Literary Rights, and Fine Arts Committees are collaborating with the New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) on a set of programs for the fall of 2023 to be held virtually (dates to be announced and will be provided via the EASL Community and Blog). EASL has enjoyed many wonderful and successful collaborations with NYFA on programs regarding artists’ rights and professional development for artists of all kinds over many years.

The first will be a program on the Case Act and other means of dispute resolution for artists, with an introduction of basic copyright and fair use. Adrienne Fields, Esq. will be the moderator and one of the featured speakers on the panel, along with another well respected practitioner (in the works). Carol Steinberg, Esq. will start off the panel with a brief overview of basic copyright and fair use. A second panel for a later date in the fall will focus on estates issues for artists. Both will be non-CLE programs and widely distributed to creatives of all kinds. We will then follow up with CLE programs on these topics, which will be more geared to attorneys.


Our Pro Bono Clinic with the Huntington Arts Council was held on June 23rd.

Thanks to our wonderful volunteers, and a special thank you to Rosemarie Tully, who made the introduction to the Council and was a most excellent tour guide.

Thanks to Isaro Carter, Michael Cataliotti, Marc Lieberstein, Jack Schwartz, and Patricia A. Wilczynski. It was a lovely opportunity to connect in person with Queens and Long Island attorneys, while helping good clients.

If you are involved with an organization that would like to host a clinic, please email Elissa. We are always looking for good clinic partners so that we can help the many potential pro bono clients who need us.

We encourage EASL members to volunteer as pro bono attorneys, panel, and webinar speakers for other topics that are relevant to the creative communities. Please contact any of us if you are interested in doing so.

Elissa D. Hecker, [email protected]

Carol Steinberg, [email protected]

Jake Dore, [email protected]