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Message From the Co-Editors

By Lauren C. Enea, Katherine Carpenter

Message From the Co-Editors

Dear Colleagues and Friends:

As this edition of the Journal is being readied for print, Lauren Enea is welcoming the newest member of her family, James, and the Elder Law and Special Needs Section is gearing up for our summer meeting, which will take place from July 20-22 in Philadelphia. We hope to see you there.

In this edition of the Journal, we have articles for your perusal, hopefully to be read on a vacation or break from office life.

We begin this issue with Lori Somekh‘s article helping our readership navigate Medicaid appeals. This issue is one that affects a number of our clients; her article reviews types of appeals and provides an appeal checklist to ensure no steps are missed when guiding clients through the process.

We then turn to a reprint of Richard Marchese’s article Litigation Basics for the Elder Law Attorney – From Preparation to Closing Arguments, detailing his experience and advice for litigation that may affect our practice in connection with guardianship hearings, will contests, Medicare appeals, Social Security hearings and other administration hearings and appeals.

Paul Forster provides us with an excellent overview of 12 recent cases with his State of Estates article, and Regina Kiperman reviews the legal nuances of Accounting by an Agent Under Power of Attorney.

Included are two member spotlights highlighting Lindsay Heckler and Ryan Belanger. Make sure to take a read to get to know our members better and also be sure to check out our newest comic strip by Antony Eminowicz.

Lastly, we hope that you consider submitting an article for our next Journal, which will be published in late Fall 2023.

Happy Reading,

Katy Carpenter