Event Overview

Thursday, January 16, 2025

8:45 AM – 5:00 PM – CLE Program
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM – Young Lawyer’s Networking Happy Hour
6:00 PM – 10:00 PM – Off-Site Annual Dinner | The University Club of New York, One West 54th Street (Click here for club rules and dress code)

Antitrust continues to dominate the headlines, as a wide range of actors – from enforcers to private litigants – seek to apply it to competition in changing global markets. This year’s Antitrust Section Annual Meeting will explore a wide range of antitrust issues, including expanded enforcement by the antitrust agencies, how new regulatory rules and guidelines are being applied in the merger context, and key developments in private litigation and theories of liability, as well as antitrust compliance. Our panels will include lawyers, economists, academics and regulators sharing insights, learnings, and best practices from their experience at the forefront of this evolving area of the law. The program will include a full day of CLE panels discussing the latest developments and opportunities to network with the antitrust bar’s best and brightest!

Highlights and Objectives:

  • Learn about the latest antitrust developments from panels of experienced practitioners, regulators, and academics
  • Hear a variety of views from thought leaders on how this area of the law will continue to develop, both in the private litigation and regulatory enforcement spheres.

Antitrust Law Section Chair:
Robin A. van der Meulen, Scott+Scott Attorneys at Law LLP, New York, NY

Program Chair:

Erica S. Weisgerber, Esq., Debevoise & Plimpton LLP, New York, NY