Our New Membership Model is now live!
Paralegal members will now have access to all of NYSBA’s content, programming, and resources across all practice areas for a single fee. Sign up to get notified by text and/or e-mail when the new model takes effect.
Take advantage of NYSBA’s brand-new membership model, featuring:

Free registration to all live, virtual CLE programs

24/7 access to thousands of hours of on-demand CLE programming

Access to entire eBook library and hundreds of online fillable forms

Thousands of articles covering legal topics across all practice areas

Full access to all NYSBA member partner benefits and discounts
Membership Pricing
Membership Category | Monthly Pricing | Yearly Pricing |
Law Student | FREE | FREE |
Newly Admitted Attorney | FREE | FREE |
Newly Admitted PLUS | $9.95/mo | $119.40/yr |
Attorney: 1-2 years | $14.95/mo | $179.40/yr |
Attorney: 3-6 years | $24.95/mo | $299.40/yr |
Attorney: 7+ years | $32.95/mo | $395.40/yr |
Affiliate Member | $16.95/mo | $203.40/yr |
Paralegal | $8.95/mo | $107.40/yr |
More Membership Options

Additional Information
Sustaining Membership
Your Sustaining Membership shows you are committed to legal industry growth and excellence
Dues Waiver Program
Experiencing financial challenges? See if you qualify for a discount on membership dues
$107.40/annually OR $8.95/monthly
Membership includes:
- Free registration to live CLE programs taking place virtually
- 24/7 access to on-demand CLE library
- Usage of full eBook library
- Hundreds of online forms
- Articles from all Section publications and journals
- 1-year resume posting via online Career Center
- Subscriptions to: Bar Journal, State Bar News, New York State Law Digest and CasePrepPlus
- Access to all NYSBA member partner benefits
Continuing Legal Education
For the duration of your NYSBA membership term, you will now receive the following at no additional cost:
- Complimentary registration to all live, virtual programming offered throughout the year.*
- 24/7 access to our extensive catalog of over 1,700 on-demand programs
Fulfilling Continuing Legal Education requirements, or focusing on your professional development is more than just a necessary part of your role— it’s a strategic investment in your professional legal career. In a field where knowledge is power, being up to date with the latest legal policies, procedures, and subject matter is your most valuable asset.
- Experienced and prominent attorneys leading our CLE programs, across all areas of practice, delivering accurate and current information
- Multiple programs offered every week, year-round
- Video replays of the top programs in your practice area
- Program recordings accessible at anytime, anywhere, through our on-demand library
- Antitrust Law
- Business Law
- Cannabis Law
- Corporate Law
- Commercial & Federal Litigation
- Criminal Law
- Cybersecurity
- Dispute Resolution
- Elder Law
- Employment Law
- Entertainment Law
- Environmental Law
- Family Law
- General Practice
- Health Law
- Immigration Law
- Intellectual Property Law
- Local & State Government Law
- Matrimonial Law
- Medical Malpractice Law
- Municipal Law
- Personal Injury Law
- Real Estate Law
- Solo & Small Firms
- Sports Law
- Tax Law
- Tort Law
- Trusts & Estates Law
- Workers’ Compensation Law
*The following exclusions apply:
- In-Person Section seasonal/destination meetings
- International Estate Planning Institute
- Bridging the Gap 2-day programs
eBook Library
NYSBA membership now includes access to our full library of eBooks and hundreds of online forms, at no additional charge. Select from dozens of eBooks as reference, including our award-winning Practical Skills Series, and over 200 annotated forms covering a variety of areas of practice. This complimentary support will surely augment your ability to assist those attorneys you support on daily basis.

Online, Fillable Forms
- Agreement of Assumption and Release
- Asset Purchase Agreement
- Bill of Sale and Assignment
- Closing Memorandum
- Directors and Shareholders Liquidation Resolutions
- Directors and Shareholders Resolutions Authorizing the Sale-Purchase of Assets
- Escrow Agreement
- Guaranty
- Limited Guaranty
- Plan of Liquidation and Dissolution
- Promissory Note
- Restrictive Agreement
- Security, Pledge and Escrow Agreement – Stock Purchase
- Action by Unanimous Written Consent of the Board of Directors re: Designated Bank
- Action by Unanimous Written Consent of the Shareholders re: Organizational Matters
- Benefit Corporation Bylaws Provision re: Annual Benefit Reports
- Clause for Certificate of Amendment of a Benefit Corporation
- Clause for Certificate of Incorporation of a Benefit Corporation
- Incorporators’ Waiver of Notice of Organizational Meeting
- Minutes of Annual Meeting of Shareholders
- Minutes of First Meeting of Shareholders
- Notice of First/Annual Meeting of Shareholders
- Organizational Resolutions Adopted by Incorporator
- Sample Petition for Dissolution of Corporation under BCL § 1104-a
- Shareholders’ Agreement – Subchapter S Corporation, Two Shareholders With Equal Ownership
- Stock Exchange Agreement Between Two Closely Held Corporations
- Unanimous Consent of Directors re Electronic Participation in Meetings
- Waiver of Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders
- Waiver of Notice of First Meeting of Board of Directors
- Waiver of Notice of First Meeting of Shareholders
- Waiver of Notice of Special Meeting of the Board of Directors
- Breakup Agreement for Two-Member LLC With 50/50 Ownership
- Letter of Intent for Sale of Membership Interests in an LLC
- Notice of Formation of LLC – Domestic
- Notice of Formation of LLC – Foreign (LLC § 802)
- Operating Agreement for LLC
- Operating Agreement for PLLC
- Operating Agreement of [Delaware] LLC (Manager Managed/SPE Limitations)
- Operating Agreement of [Delaware] LLC (Member Managed/SPE Limitations)
- Operating Agreement—Delaware LLC with One Member
- Operating Agreement—New York LLC with Professional Manager
- Resolutions Authorizing Dissolution of a New York LLC
- Retainer Agreement in Connection with Formation of LLC
- Affidavit in Support of Motion to Compel Arbitration and to Stay This Action
- Affidavit in Support of Motion to Confirm Arbitration Award
- Affirmation in Support of Motion to Stay Arbitration
- Disposition by Arbitrators Upon Application for Modification of Award
- Notice of Motion to Compel Arbitration Before the NYSE
- Notice of Motion to Confirm Arbitration Award
- Notice of Motion to Dismiss or Stay the Action Pending Arbitration
- Notice of Motion to Stay Action and Compel Arbitration
- Notice of Motion to Stay Arbitration
- Notice of Petition to Compel Arbitration
- Petition to Compel Arbitration
- Supporting Affidavit on Notice to Stay Action and Compel Arbitration
- Remote Mediation Confidentiality Stipulation (EDNY)
- Stipulation and Agreement—Confidentiality
- Additional Notice of Consumer Credit Action – Courts Outside NYC
- Affidavit of Confession of Judgment
- Affidavit of Mailing Notice (Corporation) – CPLR 3215(g)
- Affidavit of Mailing Notice (Natural Person – Place of Employment) – CPLR 3215(g)(3)
- Affidavit of Mailing Notice (Natural Person – Residential Address) – CPLR 3215(g)(3)
- Affidavit of Service
- Affirmation in Support of Plaintiffs Claim for Attorney Fees
- Alternate Affidavit of Confession of Judgment
- City Court Summons
- Complaint – Consumer Credit Transaction
- Complaint – Goods Sold and Delivered
- Default Affirmation and Order
- Extension of Time to File Affidavit of Service (CPLR 308)
- Extension of Time to Serve (CPLR 306-b)
- Order Awarding Attorney Fees
- Order of Severance
- Postal Search
- Statement for Judgment
- Statement of Service by Mail and Acknowledgment of Receipt
- Stipulation of Settlement
- Summons
- Word Count Verification
- Affirmation & Order to Show Cause to Punish for Contempt
- Affirmation in Support of Motion to Set Installment Payments
- Exemption Claim Form
- Final Order of Contempt
- Income Execution
- Information Subpoena with Restraining Notice to Financial Institution
- Information Subpoena with Restraining Notice to Judgment Debtor
- Installment Payment Order
- Judgment (Turnover Proceeding – CPLR 5227)
- Motion & Order to Compel Compliance with Information Subpoena
- Motion For Warrant for Failure to Comply with Order to Compel
- Notice of Motion to Set Installment Payments
- Notice of Petition (Turnover Proceeding – CPLR 5227)
- Petition (Turnover Proceeding – CPLR 5227)
- Property Execution with Notice to Garnishee
- Satisfaction
- Subpoena Duces Tecum with Restraining Order to Judgment Debtor
- Warrant of Commitment & Supporting Affidavit
- Affirmation in Support of Motion to Grant Access to Premises
- Affirmation in Support of Motion to Preserve Evidence
- Affirmation in Support of Omnibus Motion
- Counsel at First Appearance Arraignment Worksheet
- Defense Certificate of Article 245 Compliance
- Model Bail Application
- Notice of Appearance
- Notice of Omnibus Motion
- Request for a Bill of Particulars
- Engagement Letter (Flat Fee)
- Engagement Letter (Hourly Fee)
- Irrevocable Trust
- New York Living Will
- Pour-Over Will
- Revocable Trust
- Affidavit in Support of Order for Discharge
- Affidavit of Court Evaluator to Retain Independent Medical Expert
- Notice of Proceeding
- Oath and Designation of Clerk
- Order and Judgment Appointing Guardian of the Person and Property
- Order Authorizing Sale of Real Property
- Order Discharging Guardian and Surety
- Order for Independent Medical Expert
- Order Settling and Approving Final Account
- Order to Show Cause for Approval of Final Account
- Order to Show Cause to Authorize Sale of Real Property
- Order to Show Cause to Discover Property
- Order to Show Cause to Transfer Guardianship Pursuant to M.H.L. § 83.31
- Order to Show Cause—Application for Appointment of a Guardian of Person and Property
- Order to Show Cause—Application for Appointment of a Guardian with Request for Temporary Restraining Order and Injunction
- Order to Show Cause—Application for Appointment of a Special Guardian (Medicaid)
- Petition for Appointment of a Guardian of Person and Property
- Petition for Judicial Settlement of Final Account
- Provisional Order Transferring Guardianship Pursuant to M.H.L. § 83.31
- Report of Sale of Real Property
- Short Form Commission
- Statement of Death per M.H.L. § 81.44
- Statement Regarding Real Property
- Verified Petition for Sale of Real Property
- Agreement to Provide Trust Services
- Application to the Attorney General for a Determination on the Disposition of Down Payments Application for Dispute Resolution
- Escrow & Trust Provisions for Offering Plans—Attorney General Model Form for Escrow Agreement
- Judgment (Deceased Attorney)
- Missing Clients—Related Procedural Forms—22 N.Y.C.R.R. § 1200.0, Rule 1.15(f)
- Notice of Motion (Deceased Attorney)
- Petition No. 1 (Deceased Attorney)
- Petition No. 2 (Deceased Attorney)
- Sample Escrow Agreement No. 1
- Sample Escrow Agreement No. 2
- Affidavit of Service by Mail of Judgment of Divorce with Notice of Entry
- Certificate of Compliance
- Client Attorney Certification
- Client Attorney Certification (Option No. 2)
- Combined Subpoena Duces Tecum and Witness Trial Subpoena
- Consent to Change Attorney
- Corrections to Deposition
- Defendant’s Verified Statement of Removal of Barriers to Remarriage
- Demand for Discovery and Inspection
- Demand for Statement of Net Worth (Demand Only)
- Letter to Attorney re Proposed Settlement Agreement (Open)
- Letter to Client re Proposed Property Settlement Agreement
- Letter to Client re Proposed Property Settlement Agreement (Confidential)
- Letter to Client re Tax Consequences
- Letter to Other Party’s Attorney re Execution of Agreement
- Letter to Spouse
- Memorandum of Separation Agreement
- Non-Engagement Letter
- Notice for Preservation of Electronic Evidence
- Notice of Appeal
- Notice of Appearance with Demand for Relief
- Notice of Entry
- Notice of Settlement
- Notice to Admit Truth of Facts
- Notice to Provide Expert’s Information
- Notice to Take Deposition
- Plaintiff’s Affidavit in Support of Judgment of Divorce
- Plaintiff’s Verified Statement of Removal of Barriers to Remarriage
- Qualified Medical Child Support Order
- Request for Preliminary Conference
- Retainer Letter
- Support Collection Unit Information Sheet
- Verified Answer (Uncontested Action)
- Verified Answer with Alternate Right of Defendant to Obtain Divorce
- Verified Complaint (Constructive Abandonment)
- Verified Complaint (Irreconcilable Differences)
- Verified Reply
- Witness Trial Subpoena
Zoning and Land Use
- Attorney-Client Fee Agreement
- Court Summons
- CPLR 5003-a Letter to Defendant Transmitting Settlement Documents
- Deposition Exhibit Log
- General Release
- IA-21 Form – Standard Compromise Order
- Judicial Conference Closing Statement
- Judicial Conference Retainer Statement
- Letter of Representation to Defendant Owner and Driver
- Plaintiff’s General Combined Demands with a Demand for a Verified Bill of Particulars
- Plaintiff’s Notice to Admit
- Plaintiff’s Notice to Produce CPLR 3101(f) Disclosure
- Plaintiff’s Request to Charge in a Motor Vehicle Negligence Case
- Pre-Suit Demand Letter for Insurance Information Under Insurance Law § 3420(f)(2)(A)
- Request for Driving Abstract
- Standard Stipulation of Discontinuance
- Statement of Service by Mail and Acknowledgment of Receipt by Mail
- Underinsured Uninsured Notification Letter
- Verified Summons and Complaint in an Automobile Negligence Case
Power of Attorney Form
- Assignment and Assumption of Lease (Basic)
- Assignment and Assumption of Lease (with Schedules)
- Exclusive Agency Agreement for Commercial Building
- Exclusive Brokerage Agreement for Lease Drafted by Owner’s Attorney
- Landlord’s Consent to Assignment
- Lease Rider
- Letter of Credit
- Model Broker Registration Agreement and Commission Waiver
- Model Commercial Lease
- Model Memorandum of Lease
- Model Office Sublease
- Model Surrender Agreement
- Model Tenant Estoppel Certificate
- Model Term Sheet for Lease
- Non-Exclusive Brokerage Agreement Drafted by Owner’s Attorney
- Sight Draft (Exhibit A)
- Subordination, Nondisturbance and Attornment Agreement (with Schedules A and B)
- Subordination, Nondisturbance and Attornment Agreement (Optional)
- Transfer Notice (Exhibit B)
- Administrator’s Deed (Form 8005)
- Affidavit of Title (Lender’s Form)
- Affidavit Under Section 255 Tax Law
- Bargain and Sale Deed with Covenant Against Grantor’s Acts (Individual or Corporation) (Form 8007)
- Contract of Sale
- Executor’s Deed (Individual or Corporation) (Form 8010)
- Memorandum of Lease
- Mortgage Modification, Consolidation and Extension Agreement
- Quitclaim Deed (Individual or Corporation) (Form 8009)
- Satisfaction of Mortgage
- Notice of Termination of Lease
- Notice of Termination of Tenancy at Sufferance
- Notice to Cure Default
- Rent Demand
- Affidavit in Support of Application for Ex Parte Order Discharging Lien for Public Improvement
- Affidavit in Support of Application to Cancel Notice of Lien
- Affidavit of Personal Service of Bond Undertaking upon Corporation
- Affirmation in Support of Application to Continue Private Lien
- Affirmation to Discharge Lien by Deposit
- Attorney’s Affirmation to Continue or Extend Public Lien Subsequent to Extension Procedure
- Demand for Verified Statement from Trustee under Lien Law § 76
- Demand Pursuant to § 38 of the Lien Law
- Extension of Lien on Private Property
- Extension of Lien under a Public Improvement
- Notice of Application for Ex Parte Order Discharging by Retention a Lien for a Public Improvement
- Notice of Application for Order Requiring Itemized Statement Pursuant to Lien Law § 38
- Non-Revocation Certificate
- Notice of Application to Continue Lien on Public Improvement
- Notice of Application to Continue Lien
- Notice of Petition to Require Lien Law § 76 Statement
- Notice to Commence Action or Show Cause Pursuant to Lien Law § 59
- Notice to County Clerk as to Mechanic’s Lien Bond Pursuant to Lien Law § 19(4)(a)
- Notice to Government Agency as to Public Improvement Lien Bond
- Order Canceling Notice of Lien
- Order Continuing Private Lien
- Order Continuing Public Improvement Lien
- Order Discharging by Retention a Lien for Public Improvement
- Petition to Require Trustee to Provide Lien Law § 76 Statement
- Satisfaction of Lien—Public Improvement
- Satisfaction or Release or Discharge of Lien on Public Improvement
- Verified Petition for Order Requiring Lien Law § 38 Itemized Statement
- Affirmation of Regularity
- Affirmation of Service by Mail
- Certificate of Merit
- Complaint
- Costs of Plaintiff with Attorney’s Affirmation
- Form Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale—Residential Foreclosure
- Form Order of Reference—Residential Foreclosures
- Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale
- Notice of Foreclosure and Sale
- Notice of Pendency of Action
- Notice to Tenants by Successor in Interest
- Notice to Tenants of Buildings in Foreclosure
- Order Confirming Referee’s Report of Sale
- Order of Reference in Mortgage Foreclosure
- Referee’s Deed
- Referee’s Oath
- Referee’s Report of Sale
- Report of Amount Due
- Schedule A—Abstract of Documentary Evidence
- Statement of Sale
- Summons (General)
- Summons (Residential Property of not more than three units)
- Surplus Monies
- Terms of Sale
- Upset Calculation
- Acceleration Affidavit—To Postpone Condition Requiring Borrower to Sell Current Residence
- Acceptance of Statutory Short-Form Power of Attorney – Sample Letter
- Addendum to Contract for Purchase and Sale
- Administrator’s Deed
- Affidavit as to Power of Attorney Being in Full Force
- Affidavit of Exemption (Tax Law §253(1-A))
- Affidavit of Title
- Attorney’s Affidavit of Compliance
- Authorization to Release Information
- Bargain and Sale Deed, with Covenant Against Grantor’s Acts (Individual or Corporation)
- Bargain and Sale Deed, Without Covenant Against Grantor’s Acts
- Broker’s Offer Memorandum — Fact Sheet
- Brokerage Agreement—Seller
- Buyer Retainer Letter
- Certification for No Information Reporting on the Sale or Exchange of a Principal Residence
- Combined Note and Mortgage
- Contract of Sale (NYBTU Form 8041)
- Contract of Sale—Condominium Unit
- Contract of Sale—Cooperative Apartment
- Executor’s Deed (NYBTU-8010)
- F.I.R.P.T.A. Affidavit of Facts Relating to the Withholding of Tax upon the Disposition of United States Real Property Interests Pursuant to 26 U.S.C. 1445(B)(2)
- F.I.R.P.T.A. Non-Foreign Certification by Individual Transferor
- Fence and Boundary Affidavit
- Holdover Agreement (Long Form)
- Holdover Agreement (Short Form)
- Judgment Affidavit
- Letter of Engagement
- Mortgage
- Mortgage (Statutory Short Form M)
- Mortgage Note (Fixed Rate)
- Mortgage Note (NYBTU Form 8011)
- Natural Person Mortgagee—Affidavit of Exemption § 253(1-a)
- New York State Disclosure Form—Buyer and Seller
- New York State Disclosure Form—Landlord and Tenant
- Occupancy Agreement
- Occupancy Agreement for Seller in Possession After Closing
- Property Condition Disclosure Statement
- Quitclaim Deed (IRS-8009)
- Smoke Alarm and Carbon Monoxide Detector Affidavit
- Referee’s Deed in Foreclosure
- Residential Contract of Sale
- Seller Retainer Letter
- Seller’s Attorney’s Transmittal Letter
- Survey Affidavit
- Title Insurance Disclosure Statement
- Undertaking/Indemnity for Transfer Tax by Transferee and Its Designated Title Agency
- Warranty Deed with Full Covenants
- Administration Citation (Form A-2)
- Affidavit of Attesting Witness (Form P-3)
- Affidavit of Comparison (Form P-13)
- Affidavit of No Debt (Form P-12)
- Affidavit of Regularity (Form A-7)
- Affidavit of Service of Citation (Adult) (Form A-10)
- Affidavit of Service of Citation (Form P-7)
- Affidavit Proving Handwriting (Form P-9)
- Application and Order to Dispense with Testimony of Attesting Witness (Form P-8)
- Application for Preliminary Letters Testamentary (Form P- 2)
- Attorney’s Certification in Probate Proceeding
- Decree Appointing Administrator (Form A-6)
- Decree Granting Probate
- Notice of Application for Letters of Administration (Form A-3)
- Notice of Probate (Form P-6)
- Notice to Consul General (Form A-5)
- Petition for Letters of Administration (Form A-1)
- Petition for Probate (Form P-1)
- Probate Citation (Form P-5)
- Renunciation of Letters of Administration c.t.a. and Waiver of Process (Form P-11)
- Renunciation of Nominated Executor and or Trustee (Form P-10)
- Waiver of Citation and Consent to Appointment of Administrator (Corporation) (Form A-9)
- Waiver of Citation, Renunciation and Consent to Appointment of Administrator (Individual) (Form A-8)
- Waiver of Process; Consent to Probate (Form P-4) WILL DRAFTING (7 Forms)
- Dual Representation Letter
- Engagement Letter (Flat Fee)
- Engagement Letter (Hourly Fee)
- Health Care Proxy
- Last Will and Testament with Affidavit for Attesting Witnesses
- Living Will
- Separate Representation Letter
NYSBA Publications
Making sure our members stay informed in the ever-evolving field of law is crucial for both seasoned attorneys, those new to the profession and paralegals alike. By regularly providing high-quality legal articles written by experienced lawyers, we are ensuring that your knowledge stays current, your strategies are sharp, and your practice is aligned with the latest legal standards.
Our new membership model now provides all members with all content from all publications and journals.
Section Publications
Career Center and Job Alerts
The NYSBA Career Center is the leading online hub for legal professionals, serving more than 55,000 members. It is where legal professionals go to find the right legal jobs and where employers go to find highly qualified legal talent.
Attorneys and Solicitors outside of New York State and the United States do not have to be licensed in New York State to become a member of the New York State Bar Association. We also accept law student memberships from those attending law school outside of New York State.
The membership term is anniversary-based and reflects the date of joining. When selecting a membership payment option (annual or monthly), the membership is a year-long membership term and you are obligated to fulfill your payment(s) for the duration of the entire membership term.
In the event a member elects to cancel or otherwise terminate their membership, they agree to pay the remaining balance each month where applicable, satisfying their annual membership term in full at time of cancellation. The member will retain access to NYSBA member benefits for the entire membership term. We are not obligated to issue refunds for cancelled memberships. Full refunds or partial refunds for cancelled memberships will be considered and issued at the discretion of NYSBA and are not guaranteed. To request a full or partial refund, please contact [email protected] and provide a brief explanation of the purpose of the cancellation and request for the full or partial refund.
We follow an auto-renewal protocol to ensure as little disruption during a membership term and its renewal, however, all members may cancel their membership at any time and can manage their autorenew settings prior to the next renewal period.
Any New York attorney who has a genuine financial hardship may apply for tuition assistance for a CLE program by completing a Tuition Assistance Request Form and returning it to the CLE Department no later than five working days prior to the program date, explaining the basis of his/her hardship. If granted, the attorney will receive tuition assistance, depending on the individual’s circumstances.
We provide special incentives for law firms that wish to sign up all of their attorneys, provide access to all of the same resources a single member would receive, and receive a single invoice for maximum convenience. Please contact [email protected] for more information.
International members adhere to the same pricing tiers as attorneys in the domestic U.S. We encourage any member outside of the U.S. to read more about our dues waiver program should they qualify for a discount based on financial hardship.
In-person CLE programs, that likely require a separate budget, due to on-site needs and expenses, will likely require a separate registration fee. Select programs such as International Estate Planning Insitute, and our ongoing Bridging the Gap virtual program, would require a separate registration fee. All Section off-site meetings, such as the seasonal destination meetings, would require a separate registration fee due to expenses involved.
Member Resource Center 800.582.2452 [email protected]