STD 2024 Seoul Global Conference
International Section 2024 Global Conference in Seoul
October 16-18, 2024 | Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea


The International Section of the NY State Bar Association is a global community of lawyers who share a common purpose – to advance the rule of law, create a strong network of international lawyers around the world, and advance education among lawyers and about the law.

Will you join us?

You do not need to be a NY lawyer, nor a U.S. lawyer, to join the NY State Bar Association.  You need only to be admitted to practice as a lawyer somewhere, you’re welcome to join our community.

As an International Section member, you’ll join a large network of lawyers world-wide and over 70 chapters on every continent except Antarctica. Additionally, you’ll have opportunities to organize and/or speak at webinars and conferences, or join in the dialogue about all things international through our Communities pages and at one of our in-person events.  In addition, we have an active Latin American Council as well as an Asian Bar Council of lawyers located in those regions with whom you can connect.

Each year, we hold a Global Meeting in a different location. In 2023, we hare having our Global Conference in Mexico City from October 11-3 and in 2024, we are having it in Seoul, South Korea. We also held in a successful Spring Meeting in Poland in March of this year.

As Chair of the International Section, I invite you to explore our website and join the Association and the International Section.  NYSBA was founded in 1876 with the objective of cultivating the science of jurisprudence, promoting reform in the law, facilitating the administration of justice and elevating the standards of integrity, honor, professional skill and courtesy in the legal profession.  The International Section was founded over 30 years ago and serves as the face of the Association internationally.

The Section has entered into numerous memoranda of understanding (MOUs) with bar associations and groups the world over, most recently, with the Madrid Bar Association, the Buenos Aires Bar Association, the Milan Bar Association, the Osaka Bar Association, and the Philippine Bar Association. The Section has more than 40 substantive law committees, in areas of interest such as cybersecurity and data privacy, social finance and enterprise, human rights, trade, financial services, immigration, corporate counsel, international arbitration and litigation, and tax. There is truly something for everyone everywhere in the International Section.

We also host a number of virtual conferences and webinars on a variety of cutting-edge topics relevant to public and private international law and practice – some of the past topics included ESG (Environmental, Social, and Corporate) compliance, the rule of law, commercial and investor-state arbitration, international trusts and estates planning, the impact of Brexit, microfinance, investment in Latin America, the South China Sea dispute between China and the Republic of the Philippines, the status of Hong Kong, cross-border litigation in Asia, and much more.  You can watch these programs, most at no charge, by clicking on the Program Archives tab on the left or visiting the On-Demand CLE catalog.

The Section has a long-standing commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, or DEI. This year’s officers are among the most diverse in the history of the Section, including across age, practice areas, gender, and national origin.  The Section amended its by-laws in 2020 to expressly prioritize the achievement of DEI, establishing numerical targets and adding two Diversity Officers to its leadership. The Diversity Officers are responsible for the oversight and implementation of the Section’s diversity goals.

The Section has two publications. The New York International Law Review is staffed by students at St. John’s University School of Law, under the guidance of Professor of Law Margaret E. McGuinness. It publishes articles related to the substance and practice of international law.  The International Law Practicum features peer-written, substantive articles relating to the practical needs of attorneys in an international setting, emphasizing clinical matters and exploring the application of international law for the generalist.

I hope you accept this invitation to join our vibrant and exciting group.  Please feel free to connect with me via LinkedIn and send me a message there as well.


Gonzalo S. Zeballos
Chair, International Section
Partner, Baker & Hostetler LLP, New York, NY



Contact the International Section Liaison

To learn more about this Section, please contact Carra Forgea
[email protected]
(518) 487-5521

Please do not contact the Section liaison with a request for legal advice or an attorney referral. You can instead visit our ‘Public Resources’ or ‘Lawyer Referral Service’ page for this type of request.


Carlos Ramos-Mrosovsky

Counsel, Baker & Hostetler LLP

New York, NY
Carlos Ramos-Mrosovsky represents multinational companies and sovereign governments in commercial and treaty-based arbitrations and before U.S. courts, with emphasis on disputes arising in the energy, mining and infrastructure sectors.

Carlos has acted in disputes arising under the rules of institutions including the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA), the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), and the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC).

Select Experience:

International Arbitration

  • Representing Georgian and UK investors seeking compensation from Azerbaijan for the expropriation of a petroleum investment under the Energy Charter Treaty.
  • Representing Middle Eastern investors in parallel investment and commercial claims challenging an African government’s termination of a railway concession.


  • Representing a U.S. defense contractor in the enforcement of a $130 million award against Venezuela and in subsequent efforts to execute judgment against Venezuelan assets.
  • Representing UK investors in the enforcement of a $33 million ICSID award against Spain.

Section Officers

Online Community

Intl Law Review Vol 37 No 2

New York International Law Review

The New York International Law Review features peer-written substantive articles relating to the practice of international law on such topics as NAFTA, terrorist financing restrictions, the collection of money judgments outside the U.S., foreign direct investments, and trade agreements. Together with St. John’s University School of Law, the International Section publishes The New York International Law Review twice per year and distributes issues to Section Members free of charge.

The New York International Law Review is published as a benefit for members of the International Section and is copyrighted by the New York State Bar Association.

International Law Practicum Vol 34 No 1

International Law Practicum

The International Law Practicum features peer-written, substantive articles relating to the practical needs of attorneys in an international setting, emphasizing clinical matters as opposed to academic, exploring the application of international law for the generalist rather than theoretical discussions for the expert. Edited by Torsten Kracht, Esq. (Editor-in-Chief), and assisted by Andria Adigwe, the International Law Practicum is published twice per year by the International Section and distributed to Section members free of charge.

The International Law Practicum is published as a benefit for members of the International Section and is copyrighted by the New York State Bar Association.

New York International Chapter News

The New York International Chapter News merged with the International Law Practicum, effective with the Autumn 2014 issue. You can find reports on current issues and updates on international law, country news, member news, firm news and Section activities in the International Law Practicum. Archived issues from 2000-2014 will be available soon.

Author Guidelines

NYSBA has created comprehensive author guidelines, with information regarding our reprint policy, style guidelines, and obtaining MCLE Author Credits.

Section Reports

Nuclear Weapons and International Law 2020: Virtual Conference

A Diversity Committee Cultural Reflection on Black History Month in the United States and Brazil

Black History Month in the United States came officially to a close yesterday, but what it represents transcends 28, or 29, days on a calendar. During the last week of Black History Month, Robson Oliveira, of Demarest Advogados in São Paulo, Brazil, and D.L. Morriss, of Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP and one of the International Section’s two Diversity Officers, joined in a dialogue that highlighted the significance of the celebration of Black history, and the history of all persons of color, the world over. Given the need to translate from Portuguese to English and vice versa, the final product took a little longer to finalize. We are pleased to share that dialogue with you now.

International Section Committee


Albert S. Pergam International Law Writing Competition Award

To foster legal scholarship among law students in the field of international law. The competition is intended to encourage students of law to write on areas of public or private international law. The Section believes that by providing a forum for students to disseminate their ideas and articles, the professional and academic communities are enriched. Furthermore, the competition presents an opportunity for students to submit law review quality articles to the Section for possible publication in one of its publications.

Submission deadline: On the first Friday of November at 4:00 p.m. ET
Award Presentation: International Section Annual Meeting every January
Prize: $2,000 check and publication of the Article in the New York International Law Review

Distinction in International Law and Affairs Award

Award Criteria: A major contribution during the year (or during an entire career) to the global development of international law or the rule of law; and a willingness to speak or send a suitable alternate to accept the award at the Annual Meeting.
Award Presentation: International Section Annual Meeting every January
Prize: Glass award


SMU/NYSBA International Legal Internship Program

We are pleased to announce the eighth annual SMU/NYSBA International Legal Internship Program (the “Program”) for the summer of 2018, in furtherance of our Memorandum of Understanding with Singapore Management University, School of Law (“SMU”) originally executed in 2009, renewed in 2014, and renewed again last year.

The Program is a highly-successful law student internship placement initiative that was established back in 2011. Since the Program’s inception, the International Section has used its partnership with SMU to place a limited number of highly-accomplished top tier students from Singapore with New York City law firms and legal departments.

Program Archive

ESG: US and Brazilian Perspectives, Policies, and Politics (November 9, 2021)

ESG: US and Brazilian Perspectives, Policies, and Politics

The Uniform Child Abduction Prevention Act: Should NY Enact It? (November 4, 2021)

Uniform Child Abduction Prevention Act

How to Navigate Your Client Through the Danish Market (November 3, 2021)

How to Navigate Your Client through the Danish Market

Human Trafficking in Asia: Modern-Day Form of Slavery (October 6, 2021)

Human Trafficking

Raising the Bar Part II: Is Your Law Practice in the Spotlight? (October 5, 2021)

Raising the Bar Part I: Everyone Can Be A Rainmaker

Responding to Ransomware Attacks (September 30, 2021)

Responding to Ransomware Attacks

Raising the Bar Part I: Everyone Can Be A Rainmaker (September 28, 2021)

Raising the Bar Part I: Everyone Can Be a Rainmaker

International Parental Child Abduction Resources for the Practicing Lawyer (September 24, 2021)

International Parental Child Abduction Resources for the Practicing Lawyer

MOU Signing between the New York State Bar Association and the Georgian Bar Association (September 16, 2021)

MOU Georgian Bar

Investment Opportunities In The Innovation And Technology Sectors For US And LATAM Companies (August 18, 2021)

MOU Signing between the New York State Bar Association and the Philippine Bar Association (June 18, 2021)

MOU Philippine Bar

How Women from Five Countries View Post-Pandemic Office Returns (June 17, 2021)

How Women From Five Countries

Achmea – Three Years On and Around the World (June 16, 2021)


MOU Signing with the Osaka Bar Association followed by a Symposium (June 4, 2021)

Osaka Bar Association Webinar

MOU Signing with the Milan Bar Association followed by a Webinar — How to Enter the US Market: New Framework, Old Tips (April 28, 2021)

How to Enter US Market

Financial Services in Ireland Post-Brexit Part 1: EU Financial Regulation and Enforcement

Financial Services in Ireland Post-Brexit Part 1: EU Financial Regulation and Enforcement

Aviation Sector

Aviation Sector

Ireland and International Arbitration (Ireland for Law)

Ireland and International Arbitration (Ireland for Law)

Forget What You’ve Heard About GDPR

Forget What You've Heard About GDPR

Post-Brexit & Compliance: What’s the Score From the UK Perspective?

Post Brexit and Compliance

Microfinance: Will Institutions Survive the Pandemic?

Microfinance Program

Ireland for Law: Corporate Restructuring, Intellectual Property/Data Protection, and Derivatives

Ireland for Law

Enforcing International Arbitration Awards under the New York Convention (International Arbitration Webinar Series 2020)

Enforcing International Arbitration Awards under the New York Convention

Arbitrating Against States and State-Owned Entities (International Arbitration Webinar Series)

International Arbitration

Global Legal Market and the Benefits of Dual Qualification

Barbri Global Legal Markets

Advocacy in International Arbitration (International Arbitration Webinar Series 2020)

International Arbitration Dec 3

Planning for Arbitration: The Arbitration Agreement (International Arbitration Webinar Series 2020)

International Arbitration Dec 1

Mind The Gap: Divergence and Convergence in Sports Law and Business Across the Atlantic

Mind the Gap International

Nuclear Weapons And International Law 2020

International Nuclear Weapons

Looking at the North: Investment Opportunities for Latin American Companies

Looking at the North

_Thursday Welcome -  Megan Worrell - Program Co-Chair
LGC Pres. Reception View
paris 2016 407
DUBLIN 2017 237

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