The Committee on Civil Practice Law and Rules is charged to maintain and develop New York as a preeminent litigation center that provides unfettered access to justice for all; to make civil practice friendly for the parties, attorneys, and courts and remove traps for the unwary; and to increase efficiency and professionalism in litigation and decrease increasing litigation costs.
Online Community
Committee Roster
CPLR Legislative Memoranda 2013-2014
- CPLR Memo 1 Confidentiality Redactions (PDF)
- CPLR Memo 2 S.555/A.1002 Oppose (PDF)
- CPLR Memo 3 Electronic Discovery (PDF)
- CPLR Memo 4 Proposed Rule 202.16(g) (PDF)
- CPLR Memo 5 Bills as Prima Facie Proof of Damages A.911 Support (PDF)
- CPLR Memo 6 Addressing Delay in Payment A.999 Oppose (PDF)
- CPLR Memo 7 Confidentiality Redactions (PDF)
- CPLR Memo 8-GOV Furnishing Motion Papers to the Court (PDF)
- CPLR Memo 10-GOV Conduct of the Examination Before Trial (PDF)
Research Services
- NYS Law Reporting Bureau
- NYS Court Rules
- State Assembly Legislative Information
- State Senate Legislative Information
- New York Court of Appeals
- US Supreme Court Decisions
Meeting Agendas
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