Dear NYSBA Member,

January 1 begins a call for volunteers to serve on one or more of the Association’s Standing Committees. This spring, NYSBA’s incoming President will make numerous appointments to various committees and task forces. These groups form the core of the Association’s work that enhance the profession and help move it forward.

The start of a new calendar year often means new changes and opportunities. As Co-chairs of the Leadership Development Committee, we strongly encourage you to respond if you have an interest in serving on a particular committee or other group. Open the nomination form below, complete as directed and return to us.

Taking on leadership roles within the New York State Bar Association is not only good for your professional development, but it benefits the Association by enhancing support for the organized bar, to which we all belong. Let us know how the Committee can help you on your leadership path.

Also, don’t forget to renew your NYSBA membership. While doing so, be sure to encourage your non-member colleagues to consider joining the New York State Bar Association.

Christopher J. McNamara, Esq.

Catherine E. van Kampen, Esq.

The Committee on Leadership Development shall be charged with:

  • Identifying, encouraging, and mentoring prospective leaders of the Association, including but not limited to activities and initiatives focused on leadership development of new lawyers;
  • Serving as a resource to the President in identifying Association members for possible committee, task force and other Presidential appointments;
  • Providing information, resources and guidance on the leadership opportunities available within the State Bar to potential leaders, as well as bar leaders statewide who could assist the Committee in recruiting new leaders;
  • Furthering the goals of enhancing diversity among the leaders of the Association;
  • Fostering the participation of former officers, section and committee leaders in Association activities; and
  • Serving as a resource to the Nominating Committee, proposing members who are in the judgment of the Committee potential candidates for office within the Association.

In conducting its work, where appropriate, the Committee shall consult with other entities and individuals, including sections, the New York State Conference of Bar Leaders, the Committee on Diversity, the Committee on Women in the Law, minority and women’s bar associations, county and local bar associations, and others.

The Committee shall report to the President and the House of Delegates as directed.

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