The mission of the Electronic Discovery Committee is to contribute pro-actively to the rapidly advancing development of e-discovery law and practice by:

  1. raising awareness among practitioners and members of the judiciary, through publications and seminars, about the evolving legal and technical environment that is making e-discovery such a critical part of contemporary litigation;
  2. considering, analyzing and reporting on major rule-making initiatives in the field, including for example the recent proposed modifications to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure targeting e-discovery; and,
  3. providing a resource to help lawyers and judges obtain up to date and comprehensive information about e-discovery

Committee Activities

  • Comments on Proposed new Rule of the Commercial Division relating to guidelines for discovery of electronically stored information from nonparties in the Commercial Division of the Supreme Court (Adobe PDF)
  • Evaluation of NASD manual for Arbitrators, section on electronic discovery (in collaboration with Arbitration and Alternate Dispute Resolution Committee)
  • Report on ethics of meta data
  • Report On Proposed Amendments to Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 1, 4, 16, 26, 30, 31, 33, 34, 36, 37, 84 and Appendix of Forms (Adobe PDF)


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