The International Transportation Committee will be a forum for the interchange of information among attorneys advising or representing clients involved in international transportation. Member attorneys will include house counsel as well as independent and firm attorneys, in the United States and abroad. Clients will include carriers and their suppliers, shippers of goods, passengers, insurers and their respective agencies. International Transportation includes transportation by air, sea and land which is international in whole or in part.
Subject matters of the information to be exchanged will include:
- Existing law, recent and proposed legislation and regulation,
- Transactions and litigation in New York and elsewhere,
- Referrals of attorneys in other jurisdictions.
Depending on the interests, need and abilities of the Committee members, information can be sought and exchanged:
- Via e-mail inquiry, responses and commentary, using a list of members maintained and serviced by the Association,
- At periodic meetings of members, with or without presentations by members or invited experts or public officials,
- By preparing and presenting a consensus opinion or recommendation on proposed legislation or regulation or pending litigation,
- By publication of a member’s article in the Section’s Practicum or International Law Journal,
- By preparing and presenting a segment of the Section’s program at the Association’s spring meeting or the Section’s fall meeting abroad, or participating as a panelist in such a program.
We hope that the Committee will attract a wide variety of attorneys with transportation as their common interest, who are not brought together in legal specialty or industry groups.
Online Community
Committee Roster
Angelo Brown
Christopher Scott d'Angelo, Esq.
Montgomery, McCracken, Walker & Rhoads, Llp
Julee Lynn Milham, Esq.
Law Office Of Julee Milham
Eoin Moynihan, Esq.
Phillips Lytle LLP
Neil A. Quartaro, Esq.
Cozen O'Connor
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