The Science of Gratitude: 2nd Annual Thanksgiving Practice

As we move into Thanksgiving, let's explore the Science of Gratitude and try Gratitude Meditation together. In many cultures throughout history gratitude was considered the key to good fortune and a meaningful life. Scientific research suggests that gratitude leads to happiness, better health, closer relationships, a sense of connection, more energy, self-confidence, and more positive emotions, as well as reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. Cultivating gratitude is an important way to build physical and mental health. After this workshop, you will have an understanding of how gratitude impacts the body and why we need gratitude given how our brains evolved. We will also take a look at ideas about gratitude from different ancient traditions and try several gratitude meditations together (including self-appreciation). This will be a way of coming together and preparing for Thanksgiving together. We hope to see you there!
- November 21, 2023
- 6:00 PM
- 7:00 PM
- Virtual Participation
- Webinar
- LAP112123