The Uses and Abuses of Chatbots: Live Demo and Review of Ethics Rules

Please join us for a hybrid meeting sponsored by the DRS Technology Committee, the Technology and the Legal Profession Committee, the ComFed Privacy, Data Security & Information Technology Litigation Committee, the ComFed Social Media & New Communication Technologies Committee, the EASL ADR Committee, and the Intellectual Property Section on Tuesday, May 7 at 5:30-7:00 PM, followed by a cocktail hour for in-person attendees. Once you click registration, you will have the option to choose in-person or virtual attendance.
The program will cover the practical, as well as the ethical, issues associated with chatbots and AI. Alex Paykin (the Chair of the Technology and the Legal Profession Committee) will provide a rare live demo of using a chatbot, and take questions during the demo. In addition, there will be a panel discussion on the ethical issues associated with the use of chatbots and other AI in legal proceedings. That panel, with Paul Gupta and Debbie Reperowitz (the Co-chairs of the DRS Technology Committee) will review Court, bar, and other official and proposed rules.
The aim of the program is to give lawyers greater ability to use chatbots and AI effectively and ethically. This is especially important because of recent findings that the legal profession is a laggard in using AI when compared to other professions. And it’s being said that “while AI may not replace you, those who use AI will replace you.”
DRS Technology Committee
Co-Chairs: Paul Gupta and Deborah Reperowitz
ComFed Privacy, Data Security & Information Technology Litigation Committee
Co-Chairs: Ralph Carter and Peter Pizzi
ComFed Social Media & New Communication Technologies Committee
Co-Chairs: Scott Malouf and Marc Melzer
NYSBA Committee on Technology and the Legal Profession
Chair: Alexander Paykin and Vice-Chair: Marissa Moran
EASL Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee
Co-Chairs: Kyle-Beth Hilfer and Judith Prowda
Intellectual Property Section
Chair: Brooke Erdos Singer and Vice Chair: Bill Samuels
Part 1: Live chatbot demo, with a Q & A, by Alexander Paykin
Part 2: A panel discussion on ethical issues with Paul Gupta and Deborah Reperowitz
If you wish to attend virtually or in person, please register formally on this link, once you add the program to your cart, it will allow you to choose virtual or in-person.
If you are having any trouble registering for this event, or can't access your NYSBA account, please contact our Member Resource Center team at 800-582-2452.
Start Date
- May 7, 2024
- 5:30 PM
- 7:00 PM
- New York City
- Virtual Participation
- American Arbitration Association
150 East 42nd Street 17th Floor
New York, NY 10017
- Hybrid
- DRS5724
- Dispute Resolution Section
- Committee on Continuing Legal Education
- Entertainment, Arts & Sports Law Section
- Intellectual Property Law Section
- Privacy, Data Security and Information Technology Litigation Committee
- Commercial & Federal Litigation Section