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Why Antitrust? Perspectives On Antitrust Career Paths

Why Antitrust? Perspectives On Antitrust Career Paths

Why Antitrust Perspectives on Antitrust Career Paths_675

The New York State Bar Association’s Antitrust Section presents an annual “Why Antitrust?” program targeted at law students and young lawyers interested in antitrust. The program offers a great opportunity to hear perspectives in this dynamic practice area from attorneys that generally graduated in the last ten years, including attorneys from law firms and law enforcement agencies. Panelists discuss what led them to antitrust and provide details on what types of cases, transactions, or other types of antitrust work they have worked on. 

This year’s panel will provide insights on how the President’s Executive Order on Competition with a focus on a “whole of government approach to antitrust” is actually executed across agencies, and beyond – by focusing not only on the experience of antitrust attorneys, but other professionals who also live and breathe antitrust in their daily work.

The panel will be followed by a networking event, which allows attendees to connect with the panelists. Don’t miss the opportunity to connect with your potential future colleagues!

Start Date:
  • July 6, 2022
Start Time:
  • 6:00 PM
End Time:
  • 8:00 PM
  • New York City
  • Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP
    787 Seventh Avenue
    New York, NY 10019
  • In-Person
Product Code:
  • ANTI7622
Section Member Price: Free
Non-Member Price: Free
Sponsoring Committee Group
  • Committee on Continuing Legal Education
  • Antitrust Law Section