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Publication: New York Dispute Resolution Lawyer

After All, “AI” Means Love in Chinese

It is almost a given that Artificial Intelligence (AI) “is a technology that is transforming every walk of life. It is a wide-ranging tool that enables people to rethink how we integrate information, analyze data, and use the resulting insights to improve decision-making.”1 Meanwhile, in the world of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) another transformation is occurring. … Continued

The Case for Mediator Immunity in New York

Lawsuits against mediators are few and far between, but not so rare that they can be ignored. Some practitioners attempt to mitigate the risk with an exculpatory provision in their engagement letter, a somewhat controversial practice likely permissible in some jurisdictions but not others.1 Mediators can invoke quasi-judicial immunity in some courts, but the extension of … Continued

Awakening La Sonnambula: The Matrimonial and Family Mediation Renaissance in New York State

Nine years ago, national and international conflict resolution leaders gathered at Cardozo Law to contemplate the status and direction of mediation as a process, as a movement, and as a conflict resolution phenomenon.1 At that time, I was still a law student—wide-eyed, optimistic, and in denial about the realities being acknowledged: that mediation was dormant, sleeping, … Continued

ETHICAL COMPASS: Humanizing Virtual Dispute Resolution

The Challenge: How might neutrals and advocates foster interpersonal dynamics when conducting arbitrations and mediations virtually, consistent with the ethical obligations of each profession and the ethical underpinnings of each process? Virtual dispute resolution for commercial dispute resolution has become the new normal.1 Yet, the dispute resolution listserves are still peppered with posts from mediators and … Continued

Message From the Co-Editors-in-Chief

We welcome our new chair, Jeff Anderson, and the excitement he brings to increasing statewide participation to our dynamic and engaged section. Our section has been fortunate in maintaining the participation of almost all the past chairs and we hope Noah Hanft, our excellent immediate past chair, will continue in that tradition because he brought … Continued

Message From the Chair

Studies of the qualities of a successful mediator include, importantly, the ability to gain the parties’ confidence, is friendly, likeable, “a genuinely nice person”; demonstrates compassion, high integrity, and empathetic listening; manages parties’ expectations and is able to work with differing interests. As chair this past year, Noah Hanft exemplified each of these qualities in … Continued


FAA Transportation Exemption Applied to Intrastate Delivery Drivers The delivery drivers in this case purchased distribution routes by which they buy baked goods and resell and deliver those goods to stores along their routes. Plaintiffs sued alleging that they were misclassified as independent contractors, and the defendants moved to compel arbitration. The district court denied … Continued