Publication: WILS Connect

New Legal Technology Brings Both Promise and Pitfalls

Technology has moved us forward, but it’s important not to get left behind. The rise of technology in the legal field provides both opportunities and challenges as systems become both more sophisticated and widespread. That was the topic of the New York State Bar Association’s Continuing Legal Education course on March 21. The CLE was … Continued

Message From the Editors

The theme of this edition of WILS Connect, Women’s Health, was the collective brainchild of the WILS’ Executive Committee. After a dizzying 2022, which included an assault against women’s reproductive rights, banning books, anti-LGBTQIA+ legislation, and perpetual gender pay gap issues, it is no wonder finding happiness, success, and joy in both our personal and … Continued

Message From the Chair

As I write this message, I am sitting on a plane heading to a conference. Packages are arriving at our house, readying our oldest for his first semester of college. I am reviewing emails about future programs as I am now finishing my first few weeks as chair of the Women in Law Section (WILS). … Continued

Meet the New Co-Chairs of the WILS Legislative Affairs Committee

Kaelyn Gustafson and Robin Kramer are the new co-chairs of WILS Legislative Affairs Committee (LAC), succeeding Denise Bricker and Sarah Simpson who successfully led the LAC through very active New York State legislative sessions from 2019 to 2022. During this time, the LAC worked on a number of important legislative issues, which included helping draft … Continued

Medication Abortion in the Post-Dobbs World

The Women in Law Section held a webinar on June 5, 2023 addressing current litigation over medication abortion after the Dobbs decision. Moderator and WILS member Josephine Reina was joined by Kirsten Moore (founder and director of the Expanding Medication Abortion Access (EMAA) Project), Whitney Cloud (partner at DLA Piper and founding member of the firm’s Dobbs task force), … Continued

Justice Dianne T. Renwick’s Historic Appointment as Presiding Justice of the Appellate Division

Justice Dianne T. Renwick has become the first woman of color appointed as Presiding Justice of the Appellate Division, First Department. Governor Kathy Hochul’s June 2023 appointment is a welcome continuation of appointments of exceptionally qualified women to serve in leadership positions. Justice Renwick has a depth of understanding of the challenges facing the legal … Continued

How To Manage Time, Set Priorities and Reduce Anxiety

Effectively managing time takes effort, but breathing, slowing down and prioritizing are a good way to start. That was the message from Alyssa Malin, former in-house counsel to a New York City real estate investment firm who switched to life coaching. Nowadays, she runs The Stet Collective, which is focused on helping female lawyers with … Continued

Hon. Deborah H. Karalunas: First Female Administrative Judge for the Fifth Judicial District

The Honorable Deborah H. Karalunas was appointed as the administrative judge for the Fifth Judicial District by Chief Administrative Judge Joseph A. Zayas, with the approval of Chief Judge Rowan D. Wilson, effective July 10, 2023. Judge Karalunas becomes the first female administrative judge for the Fifth Judicial District. This marks another noteworthy milestone in … Continued

Finding Time To Build a Legal Practice

The daily demands on lawyers in private practice are plentiful—billing hours, managing clients, keeping up on changes in the law and CLEs, to name a few. The list goes on . . . and on . . . and on . . . . On top of all those demands is the expectation that lawyers … Continued