Issue: 2022

Zero-Price Markets and the Boundaries of Antitrust Law

Elaine Johnston: Welcome back. Our second panel this morning has been organized by our Monopolization and Big Tech Committee, and it’s going to look at the highly topical issue of zero-price markets. With that, let me turn this over to our moderator, Antonio Capobianco. Antonio is the deputy head of the OECD competition division. Antonio, we’re … Continued

Welcome and Introduction

Simone Smith: Well, good morning, everybody. And welcome to this morning’s program, which is the Antitrust Law Section virtual Annual Meeting day one. The CLE portion today will run from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., which is followed by a business meeting. To the attendees, please note that you must remain on the line for the … Continued

Virtual Reception With Awards and Breakout Groups

Ben Sirota: We may not have the University Club, which was what we did historically, but we have all of you. So thank you for joining. We’re very excited to be with you tonight. Just a couple of housekeeping notes, if people could turn on their cameras where possible, this is really designed to be an … Continued

Should the Antitrust Laws Be Used To Promote Societal Change?

Elaine Johnston: I’m going to give people just one more minute, since . . . okay, we’re now at 11:40. Welcome back, everyone. Our final panel today has been organized by our Diversity and Membership committees, and looks at the extremely interesting issue of whether antitrust laws can, or for that matter should, be used to … Continued

I Have Never Seen It Before: The Risks and Opportunities of Merger Reviews and Antitrust Enforcement Addressing Privacy and Areas Outside of Traditional Consumer Welfare

Speaker 1: Okay, ready whenever you are, Elaine. Elaine Johnston: Okay. I think we’ll give people just a minute or two. I just want to make sure we’ve got all our panelists. Speaker 1: No problem. Bruce Hoffman: Hi, Elaine. Elaine Johnston: Welcome back. I spend a lot of my time in the merger world and I have to say … Continued

Developments in Pharma Antitrust: Evolution or Revolution?

Peter Herrick: Thank you, Elaine, for the introduction, and to the New York State Bar Association for putting on another great program as always, and for having us here today. I’m going to go ahead and share my screen. Hopefully this will work. Okay. As everyone in this audience is no doubt aware, antitrust is in … Continued

Day 2 Welcome and Introduction

Simone Smith: Well, good morning, everybody, and welcome to this morning’s program, which is the Antitrust Law Section Virtual Annual Meeting, Day 2. Today’s program will run from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. This program is co-sponsored by the Antitrust Law Section and the Committee on Continuing Legal Education of the New York State Bar Association. … Continued

Day 1 Business Meeting

Benjamin Sirota: As chair, I run the meeting where the new chair gets voted in. So we have a really short business meeting today. We’ll have you out of here before 1:00 very comfortably, and we have a new bylaw change that we want to get voted on, the traditional Nominating Committee report, and then at the … Continued