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Issue: 2023 Vol. 16 No. 1

Think DSD, Not ADR

Everyone knows that the term “ADR” makes no sense. But we stick with it because there’s no general consensus for a preferable alternative. This article argues that dispute system design (DSD) is a better paradigm that should succeed ADR. Thomas S. Kuhn’s classic book, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, describes the process of the famous “paradigm … Continued

Icebergs, Disputants, and the Limitations of Mediators

Partnered by the excellent Danielle Shalov, I spent quite a bit of time during the pandemic training lawyers, including New York State Court staff, basic and advanced mediation skills. And part of that training was always to show them the iceberg—the same iceberg that Peter Robinson used when training me in Pepperdine in 2008. Look, … Continued

How Can the World Encourage the Use of Mediation?

There is no real dispute that when court cases are moved from litigation to mediation substantial benefits inure to all concerned. From the perspective of the court system, mediation and resulting settlements in a significant percentage of cases (or claims) help to ease burdens on dockets and court budgets, as well as to winnow out … Continued

The UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts: When Arbitrators Can Look to UPICC as a Source of ‘Rules of Law’

The UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts (UPICC),1 a private codification of international rules of law drawing from legal traditions and political systems around the globe, represents a decades-long effort to articulate a consensus rule or, in some instances, a compromise or better rule approach to issues that arise in commercial disputes. UPICC has been the … Continued

Message From the Co-Editors-in-Chief

The declaration of a worldwide pandemic in 2020 led to many terrible events and extraordinary changes. The world of alternative dispute resolution shifted on its axis, adapting by adopting new approaches and technologies to processes geared to helping disputants resolve issues and get back to business. The changes made in the face of necessity would … Continued

Message From the Chair

It has truly been an honor to serve as Chair of the Dispute Resolution Section since June of last year. I continue to be amazed by the number and quality of the programs our Section has run. And this success comes from the extraordinary dedication, commitment, and intellect of so many in our Section. I … Continued

Case Summaries: Annulled Foreign Arbitration Award Partially Enforced

An arbitration award rendered in Nigeria was partially annulled by a Nigerian Court. The district court, applying applicable Second Circuit precedent, declined to enforce the award, including that portion of the award which was enforced by the Nigerian court. The Second Circuit reversed that part of the district court’s ruling which failed to enforce what … Continued