Issue: 2023 Vol. 29 No. 2

A History of Accomplishments: Section Chairs in Their Own Words

The 35-year history of ComFed is a history of respected scholars, titans of the bar, and steadfast dedication to progress in our chosen profession. In a very real way, the successes of the section mirror the successes of its members, and particularly its chairs. Section founder and first Chair Robert L. Haig serves as editor-in … Continued

Deputy Chief Administrative Judge Edwina Richardson-Mendelson Honored With the Robert L. Haig Award

Deputy Chief Administrative Judge for Justice Initiatives Edwina Richardson-Mendelson was presented with the Robert L. Haig Award by the New York State Bar Association’s Commercial and Federal Litigation Section on Saturday, April 29, 2023. She was honored during the Commercial and Federal Litigation Section and Dispute Resolution Section joint spring meeting in Philadelphia. Justice Troy … Continued


(2023 N.Y. Laws ch. 1-138) CPLR Chapter (Part) (Subpart, Item, §) Change Eff. Date 3102(e) 138(5) Changes “abortion services or procedures” to “legal protected health activity” as defined in Crim. Proc. Law § 570.17(1)(b) 6/23/23 3119(g) 138(4) Changes “abortion” to “legal protected health activity,” as defined in Crim. Proc. Law § 570.17(1)(b); adds express consent … Continued

2023 Amendments to the Uniform Rules for Supreme and County Courts, Rules Governing Appeals, and Certain Other Rules of Interest to Civil Litigators

(West’s 2023 N.Y. Orders 1-11; Adopted Rules on OCA website, at; amended rules on appellate court websites) 22 N.Y.C.R.R. Court Subject (Change) Link to Order Eff. Date 202.70(g), Rule 2 Sup. Requires notification of settlement and discontinuance by both e-filing and letter, but without the terms, and withdrawal of pending motions and appeals ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER … Continued