Issue: 2023 Vol. 4 No. 2

The Importance of Estate Planning

When we think about making plans to secure our future, generally the discussions revolve around education, career, family, and finances. Creating a comprehensive estate plan, including effective advanced directives, can elude even the most organized and diligent people.1 A survey by noted that 1 in 5 people who died during the 2020 pandemic did not … Continued

The Foundational 5: Essential Nutrients of Well-Being

In the seemingly elusive pursuit of success and fulfillment, we often focus on reaching external milestones and meeting personal and professional expectations. Given the pace at which those milestones are created and how high those expectations have become in our “always on” society, how realistic is it to rely on these as our benchmark for … Continued

Pets and Custody Disputes: The Best Interests of Your Pet

Until recently, pets were considered property. If disagreements arose over the ownership of a pet, property discussions would ensue and decisions would be made based on property law. Over the past several years, after much nationwide advocacy by pet lovers, laws have been enacted that elevate a pet’s status from property to a living creature … Continued

Pathways to Leadership: From a Meet & Great Attendee to a Leadership Role: Women in Law Section Secretary Erica Youngerman

Erica Youngerman is an associate at Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP, where she helps clients as they navigate today’s complex health law and health care business transactions landscape. She advises a wide range of health care entities, including physician and other provider practices, hospitals and other health systems, pharmacies and hospice and home care companies, and … Continued

Nigeria, the Connection Continues!

WILS’ Immediate Past Chair Sheryl Galler participated virtually in the Third Annual General Conference and International Women’s Day Event of the Nigerian Bar Association’s Women’s Forum (NBAWF) in March 2023. The theme of the conference was “Tech Her In: Innovating for Gender Equity.” Galler spoke at a plenary session titled “Collaborating for Her.” The panelists … Continued

New Legal Technology Brings Both Promise and Pitfalls

Technology has moved us forward, but it’s important not to get left behind. The rise of technology in the legal field provides both opportunities and challenges as systems become both more sophisticated and widespread. That was the topic of the New York State Bar Association’s Continuing Legal Education course on March 21. The CLE was … Continued

Message From the Editors

The theme of this edition of WILS Connect, Women’s Health, was the collective brainchild of the WILS’ Executive Committee. After a dizzying 2022, which included an assault against women’s reproductive rights, banning books, anti-LGBTQIA+ legislation, and perpetual gender pay gap issues, it is no wonder finding happiness, success, and joy in both our personal and … Continued

Message From the Chair

As I write this message, I am sitting on a plane heading to a conference. Packages are arriving at our house, readying our oldest for his first semester of college. I am reviewing emails about future programs as I am now finishing my first few weeks as chair of the Women in Law Section (WILS). … Continued