The New York State Bar Association’s Lawyer Assistance Program is here to help.
If you are a lawyer, judge or law student struggling with substance use issues or mental or emotional health concerns, the Lawyer Assistance Program is here to help with no-cost fully confidential support services and vetted referrals.
Depending on your needs, the LAP can provide short term support services, connection to individual or group support, referrals to treatment and counseling services, and if required, voluntary or court mandated monitoring services. Call the LAP office for more information on these confidential services, 518-487-5688.
The LAP also provides support through a 24/7 Hotline staffed by mental health professionals. Hotline staff provide brief mental health assistance and appropriate resources for those seeking additional support. For NYSBA members, the Hotline staff will provide referrals to a local or on-line therapist for up to four no-cost counseling sessions. 1-877-772-8835.
All communication with LAP and the LAP Hotline is fully confidential.
Don’t let another day go by suffering in silence, reach out to the LAP, we can help.
New York State Bar Association’s
Lawyer Assistance Program
Stacey Whiteley, Director
518.487.5688 (Call or text)
The Balance
The Lawyer Assistance and Attorney Well-Being Newsletter.
Previous Issues
- November/December 2024
- September/October 2024
- July/August 2024
- May/June 2024
- Attorney Well-Being Week 2024
- March/April 2024
- January/February 2024
The New York State Bar Association’s Lawyer Assistance Program provides important services to the legal community across New York State. NYSBA’s LAP provides:
- Brief support and assistance to callers regarding issues and questions about substance use, mental or emotional health struggles and other related issues.
- Guidance and resources to callers concerned about colleagues, staff, or family members who are struggling.
- Connection with peer support throughout New York.
- Referrals to therapists, treatment centers, support groups, and other helpful resources.
- Monitoring services for attorneys involved in disciplinary proceedings. Monitoring services are also available for those seeking additional accountability as they address their issues.
- The LAP Hotline: 877.772.8835. Staffed 24/7, the Hotline can provide immediate assistance to callers struggling with mental health or substance use issues. For NYSBA members, four no-cost sessions with a therapist are offered.
- Materials and assistance to local bars and groups wishing to start their own local Lawyers Helping Lawyers groups.
- CLE and educational programming, materials, and resources that can be incorporated into existing programming or as presented as stand-alone programming.
- Outreach to local and specialty bars, legal organizations, firms, and law schools on topics such as substance use, mental health, and attorney well-being.
The Lawyer Assistance Committee (LAC) is charged with the duty, in collaboration with the New York Bar Association Lawyer Assistance Program (LAP), of assisting attorneys, judges and law students dealing with alcoholism or substance abuse and other addictive disorders. LAC will also assist those dealing with such issues as stress, depression, problem gambling, vicarious trauma, and other mental health issues where appropriate. In addition, the LAC is charged with the duty of formulating policies which will support its primary purpose. The LAC shall encourage and assist local bar associations in the development of education and outreach programs designed to facilitate the identification and rehabilitation of attorneys, judges and law students afflicted with these problems. In appropriate instances, as directed by the Appellate Division of State Supreme Court, LAC shall provide assistance to that court, to the extent possible along with the NYSBA LAP, in the monitoring, supervision and rehabilitation of attorneys with such conditions.
Other New York based Lawyer Assistance Programs
Nassau County Bar Association’s
Lawyer Assistance Program
Beth Eckhardt, LCSW, PhD, Director
516.512.2618 Cell/Text
NYC Bar Association’s
Lawyer Assistance Program
Eileen Travis, Executive Director
All LAP services are confidential and protected under Section 499 of the Judiciary Law as amended by Chapter 327 of the Laws of 1993.
LAP Staff
Director, Stacey Whiteley | | 518.487.5688
Coordinator, Kim McHargue | | 518.487.5757
Well-Being Program Manager, Jennifer Clayton | | 518.487.5573
Intake Coordinator, Lia Grover | | 518.487.5669
The Lawyer Assistance Program Hotline
Call: (877) 772-8835
The LAP Hotline is a free confidential service provided to members who are seeking assistance with challenges such as depression, anxiety, burnout, alcohol or drug related concerns, and other mental health issues. When a caller contacts the hotline, a trained mental health professional answers the call and provides immediate support. For NYSBA members, a referral to a professional counselor will be provided. The caller can receive up to four free counseling sessions a year. All communications with the LAP Hotline staff are strictly confidential.
Phone Number: 877-772-8835
What to Expect When You Call:
- Your call will be answered by a trained counselor, day or night. You will be asked for basic information such as your name and birth date and where in the state you are calling from. All information provided is kept strictly confidential.
- The counselor will ask you to discuss what has prompted your call to the Hotline. You can disclose as much or as little as you wish. Remember, it is a confidential call. They will use this opportunity to talk through the matter with you and recommend resources such as calling your local LAP for support group information or taking advantage of the four no-cost counseling sessions. If you want to be connected with counseling services, you will be asked for your NYSBA membership ID # to verify your eligibility. Note-If you call after regular business hours, you will receive a call back within 24 business hours with a referral to a counselor.
- If, after you meet with the counselor you were referred to, you don’t find it to be a good fit, you can call back the Hotline and request a different counselor for your remaining sessions. NYSBA members are eligible for four no-cost sessions per year.
The Lawyer Assistance Program Hotline is a free and completely confidential service provided by NYSBA and supported by the following NYSBA Sections: Antitrust Law, Trusts and Estate Law, Young Lawyers, Elder Law and Special Needs, and Tax Law.
Judicial Wellness
Working in collaboration with the Judicial Wellness Committee, the Judicial Wellness program of the New York State Bar Association provides confidential assistance to judges that are experiencing difficulties due to substance or alcohol use and/or mental or emotional health challenges.
Confidential Services Include:
Judicial Assistance
Available to judges who are affected by alcohol and substance use, stress, depression, or other mental health issues.
- Referrals for appropriate treatment and support
- Access to supportive judges who have faced and persisted through their own difficulties
- Information and consultation for those concerned about a judge
Using a roundtable format, the purpose of wellness meetings is to create opportunities for judges to discuss and improve their life through sharing their experience and coming together to provide support and connect with each other. The belief is that “judges helping judges” is essential.
Educational Programming
Programming can be in-person or virtual, covering topics related to mental, emotional, and physical health issues that are relevant to members of the bench.
If you are having thoughts of harming yourself, call or text 988 for confidential support.
The Judicial Wellness Committee seeks to foster a sense of community and care among the New York State Judiciary and to provide confidential assistance to impaired judges.
Chair: Hon. Linda Poust Lopez
Vice-Chair: Hon. Patrick J. O’Sullivan
Join Us for a Restorative and Uplifting Weekend at the 2025 LAP Spring Retreat!
May 16-18, 2025
For more than 20 years, the Lawyer Assistance Program Spring Retreat has been a place of community, connection, and renewal for lawyers and their families navigating recovery from alcohol and mental health challenges. This year, we’re thrilled to return to the beautiful shores of Lake George at Silver Bay, where you’ll find a weekend filled with celebrations, CLE programming, engaging group activities, and plenty of support meetings.
But if you’re looking for a retreat that’s more about relaxation and recharging, you’ll find that too. Enjoy access to all that Silver Bay has to offer—serene hiking trails, peaceful kayak rides, yoga and meditation sessions, a labyrinth for reflection, and cozy rocking chairs perfect for quiet moments overlooking the lake.
However you choose to spend your 2025 Spring Retreat, we cannot wait to welcome you to this special gathering. Bring your family and friends and experience what one past attendee described as a “transformative and memorable” weekend.
We hope to see you there!
Registration and lodging information below.
To Register: 2025 LAP Spring Retreat
Registration is $185.00
Guest/Family members 16 and over is $140.00
Guest/Family members 5-16 is $40.00
Guest/Family members 5 and under are free
The registration fees cover the cost of the catered dinners on Friday and Saturday evenings and CLE programming.
**The registration fee reflects a $50 scholarship for the first 50 registered attendees and guests.
Additional scholarships for registration and/or lodging are available and easy to request, contact Stacey Whiteley for more information.
Reserve your room now at the block room rates by clicking here: LAP Silver Bay Lodging Reservations. Or call Silver Bay reservations: 888.758.7229.
Block room rates are good until April 15, 2025.
Lawyer Assistance Committee
The Lawyer Assistance Committee (LAC) is charged with the duty, in collaboration with the New York Bar Association Lawyer Assistance Program (LAP), of assisting attorneys, judges and law students dealing with alcoholism or substance abuse and other addictive disorders.
Chair: David E. Gutowski, Esq. Co-Chair: Hon. Richard Wallace
Judicial Wellness Committee
The Judicial Wellness Committee seeks to foster a sense of community and care among the New York State Judiciary and to provide confidential assistance to impaired judges.
Chair: Hon. Linda Poust Lopez || Vice-Chair: Hon. Patrick J. O’Sullivan
Committee on Attorney Well-Being
The Committee on Attorney Well-Being is tasked with the development and implementation of well-being programs and initiatives for all New York attorneys and law students, the state-wide coordination and advancement of well-being programs and resources for bar associations, the judicial system and employers, and the encouragement of a “culture change” in which the stigma and other barrier to participation in well-being programs are lowered.
Chair: Kim Wolf-Price, Esq.
Lawyers Helping Lawyers Groups
Local Lawyers Helping Lawyers groups exist throughout the state and are often affiliated with county bar associations. The following counties have LHLs. If you wish to learn more about your local group, click through to be brought to the bar’s website or reach out to the LAP Director, Stacey Whiteley, to be connected to a member of your local LHL.
Albany/Capital District (see below), Erie, Jefferson, Kings, Monroe, Nassau, New York City, Onondaga, Queens, Suffolk, Tompkins
The Capital District Lawyers Helping Lawyers
The CDLHL meets on the first Wednesdays of each month at 12:30 pm virtually, with in-person meetings on occasion. On the third Fridays of each month the group meets virtually at 12:00 pm
Link for first Wednesdays at 12:30 pm: Click Here
Link for third Fridays at 12:30 pm: Click Here
Co-Chairs: Thomas Nicotera, Esq. and Peter Walsh, Esq.
Questions or for more information email Stacey Whiteley,
CDLHL Background
The CDLHL began in May 2007 as a local group of lawyers in recovery wanting to provide help for other lawyers struggling with alcohol and substance use issues. The scope of the CDLHL expanded over the years to include lawyers, law students and judges who are struggling with mental health issues both large and small such as anxiety, grief, gambling disorder, depression, and anger management. The CDLHL welcomes anyone in the profession who is having difficulties in their personal or professional lives to join us for connection and support.
The CDLHL is a peer led support group that is supported by the New York State Bar Association’s Lawyer Assistance Program (NYSBA LAP). Although not an official standing committee of NYSBA, the CDLHL is recognized as a NYSBA affiliated group and receives staff support, has an online community, and has access to NYSBA’s Bar Center and resources for its meetings and events. There are no dues associated with involvement with the CDLHL, and NYSBA membership, while encouraged, is not required.
The mission of the Capital District Lawyers Helping Lawyers Committee is to give confidential assistance to lawyers, judges, law students, and other members of the legal profession struggling with alcoholism, substance abuse and dependence, other addictions, depression, and mental health problems that threaten or impair professional and personal life. Within the statewide Lawyer Assistance Program of the New York State Bar Association, the Committee has two goals: To give the bench and bar a better understanding of these conditions through appropriate education and dialogue, and to give colleagues in recovery hope and confidence through our example. The services we offer to members of the legal profession and their families include outreach, education, prevention, consultation, intervention, referral, peer support, and mentoring.
The CDLHL holds virtual meetings on the first Wednesday of the month at 12:30 pm. Occasionally, these meetings are hybrid and are held at the Bar Center and over Zoom. The group also holds a virtual-only meeting on the third Friday of the month at 12:00 pm. Each meeting is structured a bit differently, but in general the meetings start with introductions, then a topical reading and open discussion.
The CDLHL’s work include outreach to local bar associations, providing public service announcements for CLE programming, developing educational programming, planning the annual dinner, and volunteering with the LAP as peer support, monitors, and program speakers.
Membership in NYSBA is not required and there is no cost to participate. All communications are confidential.
Each May, at its Wednesday meeting, the CDLHL hosts a hybrid celebratory birthday lunch during its regular meeting sponsored by the LAP. Members, current and past, attend this annual event.
Each November, the CDLHL awards the “Ray of Hope” award to an outstanding volunteer. The dinner is always well attended and a wonderful celebration to thank all those who have volunteered and participated in the CDLHL.
The CDLHL, as a recognized group under the LAP and its associated Lawyer Assistance Committee, is protected under Judiciary Law Section 499 which states:
1. Confidential information privileged. The confidential relations and communications between a member or authorized agent of a lawyer assistance committee sponsored by a state or local bar association and any person, firm or corporation communicating with such committee, its members or authorized agents shall be deemed to be privileged on the same basis as those provided by law between attorney and client. Such privilege may be waived only by the person, firm or corporation which has furnished information to the committee.
2. Immunity from liability. Any person, firm or corporation in good faith providing information to, or in any other way participating in the affairs of, any of the committees referred to in subdivision one of this section shall be immune from civil liability that might otherwise result by reason of such conduct. For the purpose of any proceeding, the good faith of any such person, firm or corporation shall be presumed.
This allows for an open dialogue between members of the CDLHL and with LAP staff and with any other individuals who are acting as an authorized agent of the LAC without concern of disclosure.
Volunteers are an integral component of the statewide Lawyer Assistance efforts. Peer support has proven time and time again to be a vital component to the improvement in the condition of an attorney that is struggling. Having that connection to another attorney is a secure point for many who feel alone and have no other supports in place. Volunteers share their experiences and time, providing the struggling attorney with friendship, advice, and support. Volunteers connect with attorneys in person and over the phone, through text and email. Whatever method works best for the volunteer and the attorney is the best method for the connection. It cannot be stressed enough how important volunteers are to the program, they are the lifeblood of the LAP. The volunteer training manual is below, please read through it and contact the LAP for more information.
In addition to providing peer assistance and support to their colleagues, volunteers can serve as speakers who help educate the legal profession about stress, depression, addiction and other mental health issues.
For additional information on how to become a LAP volunteer, call Stacey Whiteley, 518.487.5688 or email
Alcohol use disorder is the most common substance use disorder in the United States, affecting nearly three million people annually. Up to 40% of all hospital beds in the US are being used to treat health conditions related to alcohol. There are an average of six deaths every day due to alcohol overdoses. These statistics are shocking, but for those in the legal field, the statistics around alcohol use disorder are even more concerning. In a recent study, one in five practicing lawyers reported problematic drinking patterns, which is significantly higher than studies which show 6.4% of Americans exhibited signs of alcohol use disorder.* There are many suggested reasons for the high rate of alcohol issues with those in the law, but the fact remains, alcohol use disorder is a big problem for the profession. There is help. The LAP can help you or your colleague come to terms with the problem and seek the professional help needed. If you’re concerned about your own drinking and want to take proactive steps before the disorder grows-because alcohol use disorder is a progressive disease, there are many in-person and online resources and supports available. These are listed below.
If you’re not sure if your alcohol use is really a problem in your life, there are several online tests available to help you figure that out. There is a link to one listed below. Alcohol is an addictive substance, no matter how little or how much you drink, its impact on your body is designed to increase your desire to consume more.
Substance use disorders, encompassing drugs such as opioids, benzodiazepines (benzos), stimulants, and even marijuana (THC) are not as highly reported in the legal field as alcohol use disorder, but they are still prevalent and can destroy a lawyer’s career, personal relationships, health and can take their life. Substance use disorders are treatable and help is available. LAP support and assistance is available— call Director, Stacey Whiteley at 518.487.5688. Additional information can be found below.
Online AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test)
Cannabis Use Disorder Identification Test
We Need More Optimists in the Profession
Becoming an Alcoholic in Private-Living in Recovery in Public
Never Alone: Addiction, Recovery and Community
How to Help Judges in Need of Help
Two Men Met in 1935: The History of LAP
CLE Programs
Navigating the Ethics of Grievance Proceedings and Diversion Through The Lens of Lawyers Assistance
Attorney Wellness/Substance Abuse in the Legal Profession
Stress, Alcohol and Substance Abuse in the Legal Profession
Lawyer Assistance/Alcohol and Substance Abuse in the Legal Profession
The Elephant in the Room: The Legal Profession, Mental Health, and Substance Abuse
Other Resources
Voices in Recovery: an ABA and CoLAP Podcast series exploring substance use and mental health recovery through interviews with members of the profession
Lawyer Assistance Committee members present a mock intervention.
Online AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test)
NYC LAP serving NYC and Westchester: 212.302.5787
Nassau County LAP: 888.408.6222
Online AA Meeting guide
SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)
National Helpline: 800.662.HELP (4357)
The LAP is proud to be a part of the larger mission of the New York State Bar Association in providing support, resources and information designed to enhance the well-being of New York attorneys, law students and judiciary. Please click on the link below to view NYSBA’s Attorney Well-Being page.
Please note: the assessments below do not provide a medical diagnosis; they are offered as a tool to help the user determine if seeking a professional evaluation is warranted. If you have questions about the tools or your results, call the LAP Director at 518.487.5688
Online AUDIT: Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test
Drug Screening Questionnaire (DAST)
Gambling Self-Assessment (BBGS)
Burnout Inventory (Oldenburg Burnout Inventory)
Some of the assessment links will bring you to a non-NYSBA affiliated website. NYSBA does not endorse these sites or their organizations. You are not required to enter any personal information to utilize the assessments.