New York State Bar Association Creates N.Y. Compliance CLE Bundles

The New York State Bar Association has launched an innovative series of CLE packages that allow members and non-members to fulfill their 24-credit New York compliance requirement in one easy transaction.
The association launched its first bundle of courses in May and has been adding different combinations of courses for lawyers in specific practice areas since.
“This is a convenient and cost-effective option,” said NYSBA President Domenick Napoletano. “There is a package tailored to you – whether you’re a business lawyer or a criminal practitioner, an attorney who practices elder law or trial law, a negotiator who focuses on real estate deals or a mediator who evaluates environmental risks.”
Members will pay less than $400 to purchase all 24 credits while non-members can purchase one of the packages for $595. The credits satisfy New York State’s biennial continuing legal education requirement.
“We have done all the work for you,” Napoletano said. “Purchase one of the bundles in your practice area or a more generic package that appeals to all lawyers and your courses will appear in your learning dashboard where you can complete them at your convenience.”
At the minimum, all the bundles will include the mandatory 4.0 Ethics, 1.0 Cyber, and 1.0 Diversity, Inclusion & Elimination of Bias Credit, and will total 24 credits in all.
CLE bundles are available in Business Law, Family Law, Elder Law and Special Needs Practice, Real Property Law, Criminal Law, Law Practice Management, Trial Law and Environmental Law, in addition to a generic bundle.
The bundles are for experienced attorneys. The association continues to offer Bridging the Gap CLE programs for newly admits to complete their requirements.