NYSBA Leadership


Domenick Napoletano

Domenick Napoletano, President

Domenick Napoletano is a practitioner focusing on complex commercial litigation and appellate work while maintaining a busy general practice. Several of his cases have appeared in published decisions, many involving real property and tenancy and occupancy issues. He has spearheaded state and federal class action lawsuits, including notably against the New York City Department of Finance for…

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Domenick Napoletano is a practitioner focusing on complex commercial litigation and appellate work while maintaining a busy general practice. Several of his cases have appeared in published decisions, many involving real property and tenancy and occupancy issues. He has spearheaded state and federal class action lawsuits, including notably against the New York City Department of Finance for its imposition of “vault taxes.” He is admitted in the U.S. Supreme Court, as well as the Southern and Eastern District of New York and the Second Circuit Court of Appeals. He has been a member of the New York State Bar since 1981.

Napoletano’s involvement in New York State Bar Association activities are numerous and include being the past chair of the General Practice Section and co-chair of the Committee on Civil Practice Law and Rules. He previously co-chaired the Emergency Task Force for Solo and Small Firm Practitioner. He has served on many association committees, including Finance, Leadership & Development, Bar Leaders of New York State, Animals in the Law, co-chair of the President’s Committee on Access to Justice, the Task Force on the Evaluation of Candidates for Election to Judicial Office, the Task Force on Mass Shootings and Assault Weapons, the Gun Violence Committee,  the Executive Committee,  chair of the Working Group on Facial Recognition  Technology, and as liaison to the Leadership & Development Committee along with the working group on Puerto Rico, the Non-Resident Subcommittee and the Corporate Counsel Section.

Napoletano has served on the association’s Executive Committee, as vice president, from the 2nd Judicial District and the House of Delegates representing the Brooklyn Bar Association. Napoletano was recently appointed by presiding Justice Hector D. LaSalle to the Second Departments Task Force on Artificial Intelligence.

Napoletano has been involved his entire legal career in local and minority bars.  He is the past president of the Brooklyn Bar Association and has served on the Board of Directors of its Foundation. He is the chairman of the Brooklyn Bar Associations Part 137 Attorney Fee Arbitration Committee. He has served as past president and chairman of the board of the Columbian Lawyers Association of Brooklyn. He is the past President of the Confederation of Columbian Lawyers of the State of New York, and President of the Catholic Lawyers Guild of Kings County. He has served as the treasurer and member of the board of directors of the Bedford Stuyvesant Legal Services Corp., as well as past vice president of the Bedford Stuyvesant Foundation for Civil Justice. He has served as a member of the Grievance Committee 2nd, 11th and 13th Judicial Districts.

Napoletano has received awards in recognition of his distinct service, including the Boy Scouts of America, the Stars & Stripes Democratic Club Community Service Award, Kings County Democratic Party Distinguished Honoree, the Catholic Lawyers Guild Distinguished Service Award, the St. Thomas Moore Award, and the President’s Award in addition to Man of the Year Van Westerhout Cittadini Molesi for promoting the welfare of Italian-Americans, the Hofstra Law School’s Alumni of the Month, the Brooklyn Bar Association award for distinguished service twice, and in 1980 the Student Merit award as its first white member of the Hofstra chapter of the Black American Law Student Association (BALSA).

His dedication includes memberships in a variety of other organizations where he will often appear or has been asked to lecture on CLE. They include the Nathan R. Sobel Inns of Court, Kiwanis Club, Hofstra University Law School Diversity Admissions Committee, Lay Advisory Committee Diocese of Brooklyn/Queens and as a past advisory board member for Investors Bank, member of the board of directors for the Volunteer Lawyers Project Board, committee member for the Brooklyn Borough President’s Legal Task Force, and on the American Bar Association Gun Violence Advisory Commission.

Napoletano earned his law degree from Hofstra University School of Law and his undergraduate degree from Brooklyn College.  While in college, and throughout law school, Napoletano worked for then-New York State Assemblyman Michael L. Pesce, retired presiding justice of the state Supreme Court Appellate Term for the 2nd, 11th and 13th Judicial Districts.

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Kathleen Sweet


Taa R. Grays


Susan L. Harper


Richard C. Lewis

Immediate Past President

noun_Scales of Justice_1034828 Officers

NYSBA Officers include the President, President-Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer. The President-Elect automatically becomes President the year following election.

noun_courthouse_1034827 House of Delegates

The control and administration of the NYSBA is vested in the House of Delegates, the decision and policy-making body of the Association. The House meets four times a year (January, April, June and November). Action taken by the House of Delegates on specific issues becomes official NYSBA policy.

NYSBA Bylaws

The Bylaws are the governing rules of the New York State Bar Association and regulate the structure of the organization, the roles of officers, membership provisions, and the workings of NYSBA sections, committees, and the House of Delegates.

noun_Gavel_1034826 Executive Committee

Totaling thirty members, the Executive Committee has the authority to act and speak on behalf of the Association, consistent with previous action of the House of Delegates, when the House is not in session. The Executive Committee meets quarterly before meetings of the House of Delegates and at other times as necessary.

The Executive Committee is composed of the officers of the Association, together with vice-presidents from each of the thirteen judicial districts in the state (the 1st district has two vice-presidents), eight members-at-large, and the immediate past president. All officers are elected to serve one-year terms.

All members of the Executive Committee also serve in the House of Delegates.

noun_witness_1036281 Section Chairs

Section Chairs represent 27 NYSBA Sections. Each Section draws its membership from lawyers or judges with common professional interests. Sections operate with their own officers, dues schedule and committees. They address professional development, improvement of laws and continuing education in a variety of substantive law fields.

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Results ( Total 39 Items )

Officers: Secretary
Executive Committee: Secretary

Taa R. Grays, Esq.


Officers: SecretaryExecutive Committee: Secretary

Officers: Treasurer
Executive Committee: Treasurer

Susan L. Harper, Esq.

Susan L. Harper, Esq.

Officers: TreasurerExecutive Committee: Treasurer

Officers: President
Executive Committee: President

Domenick Napoletano, Esq.

Law Offices Of Domenick Napoletano

Officers: PresidentExecutive Committee: President

Officers: President-Elect
Executive Committee: President-Elect

Kathleen Marie Sweet, Esq.

Gibson McAskill & Crosby LLP

Officers: President-ElectExecutive Committee: President-Elect

Executive Committee: Vice-President, First District

Bridgette Y. Ahn, Esq.

Law Office of Bridgette Y. Ahn

Executive Committee: Vice-President, First District

Executive Committee: Member-At-Large - Section Seat

Gregory K. Arenson, Esq.

Kaplan Fox & Kilsheimer LLP

Executive Committee: Member-At-Large - Section Seat

Executive Committee: Vice-President, Ninth District

Hon. Karen T. Beltran

City Court Judge for the City of Yonkers

Executive Committee: Vice-President, Ninth District

Executive Committee: Vice-President, Third District

Jane Bello Burke, Esq.

Hodgson Russ LLP

Executive Committee: Vice-President, Third District

Executive Committee: Member-At-Large - Diversity Seat

Vincent Ted Chang, Esq.

Davis Polk

Executive Committee: Member-At-Large - Diversity Seat

Executive Committee: Vice-President, Eleventh District

David Louis Cohen, Esq.

Law Office of David Louis Cohen

Executive Committee: Vice-President, Eleventh District

Executive Committee: Vice-President, Thirteenth District

Orin J. Cohen, Esq.

Orin J.. Cohen, Esq.

Executive Committee: Vice-President, Thirteenth District

Executive Committee: Member-at-Large

Jacqueline Jamin Drohan, Esq.

Drohan Lee LLP

Executive Committee: Member-at-Large

Executive Committee: Vice-President, Eigth District

Norman P. Effman, Esq.

Wyoming County Public Defender

Executive Committee: Vice-President, Eigth District

Executive Committee: Vice-President, Fourth District

Cynthia F. Feathers, Esq.

Cynthia Feathers, Attorney at Law

Executive Committee: Vice-President, Fourth District

Executive Committee: Vice-President, Seventh District

Jon P. Getz, Esq.

Jon P. Getz, Attorney at Law

Executive Committee: Vice-President, Seventh District

Executive Committee: Member-At-Large - Diversity Seat

LaMarr J. Jackson, Esq.

Executive Committee: Member-At-Large - Diversity Seat

Executive Committee: Member-at-Large

Andre R. Jaglom, Esq.

Tannenbaum Helpern Syracuse & Hirschtritt LLP

Executive Committee: Member-at-Large

Executive Committee: Immediate Past President

Richard C. Lewis, Esq.

Hinman Howard & Kattell, LLP

Executive Committee: Immediate Past President

Executive Committee: Vice-President, Twelfth District

Michael A. Marinaccio, Esq.

Law Office of Michael A. Marinaccio

Executive Committee: Vice-President, Twelfth District

Executive Committee: Vice-President, Tenth District
General Practice

Michael A. Markowitz, Esq.

Michael A. Markowitz PC

Executive Committee: Vice-President, Tenth DistrictSection Chair: General Practice

Executive Committee: Member-At-Large

Thomas J. Maroney, Esq.

Maroney O'Connor LLP

Executive Committee: Member-At-Large

Executive Committee: Vice-President, Sixth District

Michael R. May, Esq.

Levene Gouldin & Thompson, LLP

Executive Committee: Vice-President, Sixth District

Executive Committee: Vice-President, First District

Michael J. McNamara, Esq.

Seward & Kissel Llp

Executive Committee: Vice-President, First District

Executive Committee: Vice-President, Fifth District

Hon. James P. Murphy

Onondaga County Courthouse

Executive Committee: Vice-President, Fifth District


House of Delegates

View listing of Delegates, meeting dates and reports.

gradient circle (purple)

Committee Listing

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Committee Listing