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Disability Law and Practice – Book Three (eBook)

Disability Law and Practice – Book Three (eBook)

  • Nancy Maurer, Esq.; Simeon Goldman, Esq.
  • Bridgit M. Burke, Esq.; John B. Carroll, Esq.; imeon Goldman, Esq.; Nancy B. Halleck, ; Esq.; John P. Herrion, Esq.; Gregory K. Jones, Esq.; Mark H. Leeds, Esq.; Nancy M. Maurer, Esq.; Adam R. Pulver, Esq.; Sheila E. Shea, Esq.; Jo Anne Simon, Esq.

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Disability Law and Practice–Book Three: Civil Rights of People with Disabilities: Law, Litigation and Attorney Fees

This title is part of the Disability Law and Practice Series.

2017 Recipient of ACLEA's “Award of Professional Excellence” in Publication.

Co-sponsored by the Committee on Continuing Legal Education and the Committee on Issues Affecting People with Disabilities of the New York State Bar Association.

Product Description

PC: 42153-3/42153-3E

This is the third of a three-book series that together will provide a broad education in all aspects of disability law and practice. Each stand-alone volume focuses on a particular area of disability law and includes chapters on ethics and resources for the practitioner.

Book Three: Civil Rights of People with Disabilities: Law, Litigation and Attorney Fees focuses on the civil rights of people with disabilities in employment, housing, facilities and other areas of life.

This book draws on the practical experience of the authors and editors whose representation serves individuals and groups who have traditionally faced barriers in many aspects of life. It's a valuable resource for all practitioners whether they work regularly in the field of disabilities or as part of their pro bono practice.

Disability law is remarkably diverse, the issues often involving legal areas that, at first glance, do not appear to be germane to the field. The authors bring their unique perspectives to their chapters and we hope you will find both the subject matter and their perspectives to be valuable in your practice. — Nancy Maurer and Simeon Goldman. Co-editors

The download of this eBook permits the user to install the title on any and all of the user's devices for personal use only. Distribution of this title without permission is strictly prohibited. Downloadable items are nonrefundable. 

Table of Contents:
Published Date:
  • May 1, 2017
  • eBook
Product Code:
  • 42153-3E
  • 9781579691820
Page Count:
  • 346 pages