Thank you for agreeing to contribute to a NYSBA section publication. Authors are responsible for the content of their articles, including the accuracy and format of citations and website addresses, subject to review by the editor of the publication and the section publication editors at NYSBA. Please familiarize yourself with the guidelines below and contact the editor if you have any questions.

Article Content Guidelines

We recommend you review several issues of the publication before submitting work. The editor is ultimately responsible for reviewing and selecting content; however, senior staff at NYSBA may on occasion require that an article be edited or withdrawn if it doesn’t meet the association’s standards. Please keep in mind:

  • Articles should not be overly self-promotional or one-sided; avoid any articles that seem to be personal gripes about a particular person, office, or organization. This includes articles that take the side of the plaintiff or the defense or look at an issue from only one perspective.
  • Articles cannot promote any one company, brand, product or organization.
  • We also generally recommend against book reviews as these tend to be overly promotional. Book reviews should be written by a lawyer who has no relationship with the author and should include the book’s attributes and shortcomings.


Consideration for the NYSBA Journal and the News Center

All articles submitted for a section publication are also potentially considered for publication in the News Center of the website and/or the NYSBA Journal. If your topic is especially timely, please ask the editor to forward it to the editors at NYSBA. You can also submit it directly to; please note which section publication it is being slated for.

Please note: For the Journal/ News Center, we can only consider articles under 4,000 words on timely topics.

Section Publication Article Submission and Formatting

  • All articles should be in Microsoft Word (or as rich text format, if not using Word). Graphics, photos, charts and tables can be submitted as high-resolution PDFs, JPGs or TIFFs. Please include a 2-3 sentence biography at the end of the article of less than 150 words. You are also welcome to submit a headshot (check the publication or with the editor to see if headshots are used in your publication). Please DO NOT send articles as PDFs.
  • If your article has been printed elsewhere, please obtain the appropriate reprint permission and required credit information and forward both to the section publication editor. Please also secure copyright permission for any photos or other graphics as appropriate.
  • Please take note of the following style guidelines. Additional guidelines can be found here.
    • All quotations of more than 49 words should be block quote format. Quotations of fewer than 50 words should be run into the paragraph.
    • Please refrain from using all caps in headlines and subheadings. If using a numbering sequence, please use the following: I. A. 1. a. (1) (a) (i) (aa). Also, please include introductions and conclusions in the numbering.
    • Use italics for emphasis. Do not use underline or bold (even for case names).
    • Use em instead of en dashes or two hyphens, with no spaces on either side.
    • Use periods in N.Y. and U.S.
    • NYSBA generally prefers AP style for text.


Citations/Endnotes/Website Addresses

IMPORTANT: PLEASE format endnotes using the Word Endnote formatting feature. Because of the way our design program works, all endnotes must be formatted this way. If there are a number of notes and they have not been formatted, the article will be returned.

Please use standard Bluebook format. Avoid small caps or all caps. (For more information on exceptions to Bluebook, see our Style Guidelines.)


The proofreading of articles is primarily the responsibility of the editor. Our proofreaders are not attorneys. They have been instructed to proofread galleys with a light hand, focusing on correcting blatant typographical and grammatical errors, and ensuring stylistic consistency within each article and to conform with our Style Guidelines. Any suggestions for substantive changes arising from the proofreading will be submitted to the editor for approval.

Although it may be difficult in all instances, it is the editor’s responsibility to ensure consistency among articles, particularly in “theme issues” where there are repeated terms or phrases. NYSBA proofreaders may make changes in order to ensure this consistency.

Generally, only editors review galleys and will contact you with questions. Authors do not usually have the chance to review proofs, so please make sure your submission is as error-free as possible. If some time has passed, and you need to submit an update, please contact the publication editor.

Accommodations for People with Disabilities

NYSBA welcomes participation by individuals with disabilities. NYSBA is committed to complying with all applicable laws that prohibit discrimination against individuals on the basis of disability in the full and equal enjoyment of its goods, services, programs, activities, facilities, privileges, advantages, or accommodations. To request auxiliary aids or services or if you have any questions regarding accessibility, please contact the Bar Center at (518) 463-3200. Section publication authors may forward any concerns to the publication editor.