April 23-24, 2018
Seoul High Court
157 Seochojungang-ro, Seocho-dong Seocho-gu, Seoul 06594, Korea
7.5 CLE credits in professional practice and 1.5 CLE credits in ethics

This program will NOT qualify for credit for newly-admitted attorneys because it is not a basic practical skills program.

Section Chair
Nancy M. Thevenin, Esq.
Thevenin Arbitration & ADR, LLC, New York

Below are the links to all course materials.  It’s easy to access your Electronic Course Materials

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Judicial Plenary-A View from the Bench (1.5 Ethics)
Local Rules of the US District Courts
Guidelines for Communications and Cooperation Between Courts In Cross-Border Insolvency Matters 
SDNY Bankruptcy Court Education Videos
Judicial Policy Research Institute PowerPoint 

Korea’s Contributions to Public International Law (1.5 Professional Practice)
Korean Privacy Powerpoint
Places We Fear 
Climate Change and Transition of Energy Law in Korea
NAGOYA PROTOCOL on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits

Panel 1 – Prospect of the Korea-US Free Trade Agreement, Global Trade Wars in Connection with Anti-dumping and Anti-trust Law (1.5 Professional Practice)
1_Outline Draft Final
2_Honorable Young-Hill Liew, KORUS, FTA & Korean Courts, April 2018
3_Office of the United States Trade Representative, 2018 Trade Policy Agenda and 2017 Annual Report of the President of the United States on the Trade Agreements Program (excerpts (a) Trade Policy Agenda, pp. 1-33; (b) 2017 Annual Report regarding Korea, pp. 4-6, 26-27, 62, 69-70, 174-75, 177-78), March 2018
4_U.S. Department of Commerce, The Effect of Imports of Steel on the National Security (without appendices), January 11, 2018
5_Presidential Proclamation on Adjusting Imports of Steel into the United States, March 8, 2018
6_Presidential Proclamation Adjusting Imports of Steel into the United States, March 22, 2018
7_Presidential Memorandum on the Actions by the United States Related to the Section 301 Investigation, March 22, 2018
8_Office of the United States Trade Representative, Findings of the Investigation into China’s Acts, Policies, and Practices Related to Technology Transfer, Intellectual Property, and Innovation Under Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974 (excerpts pp. 1-18), March. 22, 2018
9_Presidential Order Regarding the Proposed Takeover of Qualcomm Incorporated by Broadcom Limited, March 12, 2018
10_Professor Daniel A. Crane, The Chinese Vitamins Case: Who Decides Chinese Law, March 2018
11_Professor Eleanor M. Fox, China, Export Cartels and Vitamin C: America Second?, March 2018
12_18-37 Steel PI Ruling 
13_ KORUS Investment Chapter 
14_Trump Secures Trade Deal With South Korea Ahead of Nuclear Talks – The New York Times
15_ Recent Development of Kim Young Ran Act PowerPoint
17_Trump Administration’s Trade Policy and Korea PowerPoint

Panel 2: Cross-Border Insolvency: Implications of the Hanjin Shipping Bankruptcy (1.5 Professional Practice)
1_Cross Border Insolvency
2_Declaration in Support of Verified Chapter 15 Petition for Recognition of Foreign Main Proceeding
3_Hanjin_Declaration of Bankruptcy
4_Korean Corporate Rehabilitation Proceedings and Cross-border Insolvency – From the Perspective of the Hanjin Shipping Bankruptcy Case
5_Debtor Rehabilitation and Bankruptcy Act
6_ Paper by Judge Morris and Bloom

Panel 3 – Busted: Impact of Corruption Convictions on Businesses in the U.S. and Korea (1.5 Professional Practice)
1_Adler Seoul April 2018 FCPA Overview for Non U.S. Companies
2_DOJ FCPA Resource Guide 
3_Anti-Bribery and Books & Records Provisions of The Foreign Corrupt Practice Act (11.10.1998)
4_Telia DPA 9.21.17  

Panel 4 – Recognition and Enforcement of International Arbitration Awards (1.5 Professional Practice) 
1_Panel Outline
2_1958 New York Convention
3_Daimler AG v Bauman
4_FAA Chapter 2 (9 USC 201-208)
5_Sonera Holding BV v Cukurova Holding AS
6_Vacating International Awards Issued in the United States
7_The Evolving Landscape for Enforcement of International Arbitral Award in the United States
8-The Arbitration Review of the Americas 2017 – USA Enforcement
9_8-56.  CPLR 7502(c)  An Underused Weapon
12_BCY v BCZ
15_Raffles_Design v Educomp
17_Powerpoint – Yeum

Speaker Biographies 

Complete Materials sorted by panel

Judiciary Panel
Korea’s Contributions 

Panel 1
Panel 2
Panel 3
Panel 4