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Congestion Pricing: A Case Study on Interstate Air Pollution Disputes

New York’s congestion pricing program was set to take effect on June 30, 2024, notwithstanding multiple pending legal challenges.[1] Then on June 5,2024, Governor Kathy Hochul announced that she was directing the Metropolitan Transportation Authority – which is charged with…

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The Dawn of Environmental Human Rights in New York

This article is from the issue of the New York Environmental Lawyer (2023,vol.43, no.1) a publication of the Environmental & Energy Law Section. For more information, please see  On Election Day in 2021, New York’s voters added Section 19 to…

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Milieudefensive v. Royal Dutch Shell Highlights New Strategies In Climate Change Litigation

Around the world, lawsuits are seeking damages and mitigation for the effects of climate change. So far, most of these lawsuits have been against governments, to prevent new construction or to seek compensation for damage already done. But in a…

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Cleaning Up Hazardous Chemicals In Drinking Water

Long-lasting chemicals are damaging the environment, but federal and state regulators are attempting to undo the harm. New standards and regulations for contamination mitigation were the topic of a recent Continuing Legal Education course hosted by the Environmental and Energy…

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How Environmental Regulators in NY Deal With Illegal Sharks and Other Transgressions

A man kept seven illegal sharks in his above-ground swimming pool. He intended to sell them but didn't have a license to do so. A search of his property revealed three other sharks -- all dead. The man pleaded guilty…

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How Eliminating Single-Family Zoning Can Help in the Fight Against Climate Change

With climate change continuing to destabilize our physical environment, New York State’s government must respond with legislation that effectively combats the primary causes of our energy consumption. One major culprit of greenhouse gas emissions are buildings, which account for nearly…

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NYSBA Task Force on Racism, Social Equity and the Law To Hold Public Forum on the Effect of Racism on Health Care, Economic Opportunities, and Environmental Justice

The New York State Bar Association’s Task Force on Racism, Social Equity and the Law, which has been charged with examining how structural racism permeates and influences all aspects of daily life, leading to injustice and inequality among New Yorkers,…

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