December 21, 2023
Latest News
Decision and Dissent: NYS Court of Appeals Ruling on Redistricting
Host David Miranda is joined by political strategist Liz Benjamin and law professor Vin Bonventre to analyze the recent decision by the NYS Court of Appeals on how the state of New York draws its congressional district boundaries. "New York's…

December 6, 2023
Redistricting, Police Custody and Gun Rights: 2023 NYS Court of Appeals Analysis
The Miranda Warnings roundtable's December episode takes a critical look at the first cases in the 2023-24 term heard by the state’s highest court. The panel analyzes recent arguments dealing with when a suspect is in custody and should be…
NYSBA Publications
NYSBA produces and releases a variety of publications that pertain to case law, procedural developments, practice management, and a host of other topics of interest to legal professionals. Learn more by selecting a publication below, and read the latest issue or browse the archives. Note: Some issues and archives require you to login to the site first to access.