January 28, 2022
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The Ethics of Advocating Against COVID Vaccine Mandates
A famous professional athlete,[1] unvaccinated against COVID-19, arrives at your law office seeking representation relating to his opposition to any vaccination. He has (hypothetically) been turned down for a tennis coaching job at a tennis academy in Queens, New York.…

August 31, 2021
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NYSBA Webinar Explores Mandatory Vaccination Mandates
This program will provide an overview of advising clients (both employee and employer perspectives) and will assist in developing sample policies for your own firm in mandating employee vaccinations for COVID-19.

August 27, 2021
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NYSBA Calls For All New York Employers To Mandate Worker Vaccinations As Delta Variant Spreads
The New York State Bar Association is recommending that every employer in the state require that all workers be vaccinated.

August 23, 2021
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State Court System To Require Vaccination and COVID-19 Testing
Chief Judge Janet DiFiore, during her coronavirus update today, announced that all of the approximately 15,600 state court system employees will be required to get vaccinated.

July 12, 2021
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Masks No Longer Required in State Courthouses If Fully Vaccinated
Judges, staff and visitors no longer have to wear a mask inside state court system courthouses as long as they can prove that they are fully vaccinated.

April 1, 2019
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Who Calls the Shots?
In New York, Public Health Law § 2164 requires parents to vaccinate their children against serious diseases like measles, polio, chicken pox and whooping cough.
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