Top Ten Reasons for Law Students to Join the Women in Law Section (“WILS”)

By Michella Hand

April 19, 2022

Top Ten Reasons for Law Students to Join the Women in Law Section (“WILS”)


By Michella Hand

In March 2022, the Women in Law Section participated in a law student roundtable discussion that provided current law students with a better understanding on the experiences, rewards, and challenges practicing attorneys have faced while offering insight on the various career opportunities available.

From this discussion the panelists, Lisa R. Schoenfeld, Esq. from Schlissel Ostrow Karabatos PLLC, and Christina H. Singh-Bedell, Esq. from the New York State Office of the Attorney General, compiled 10 reasons why law students should join the Women in Law Section:

  1. Join a Committee. Once a member, become more involved in WILS by joining a committee, including but not limited to the Emerging Lawyers Committee, which seeks to promote opportunities and relationship-building in the legal field for law students, recent graduates and new attorneys.  Please see our website for more details on our numerous committees –
  2. Online Community. Obtain access to the online Women in Law Community where you can seek the advice of attorneys on topics relevant to the practice area of interest to you.  Get updates on relevant case law, legislation reform, referrals, upcoming events and more, or ask any practice-related question you may want answered.
  3. E-Newsletter. Keep apprised of the latest happenings by obtaining the WILS Connect, free of charge, which features peer-written articles discussing current issues facing women lawyers, the work of our committees, legislative and policy matters WILS is focusing on, spotlights of our members and programs, and more.
  4. Programming. Attend our many events, CLE programs, discussions, webinars, and other programming that is sponsored by WILS, on many relevant topics to law students, including topics on Effective Speaking, Communication in the Workplace, and Social Media Do’s and Don’ts.
  5. Network. Meet and network with practitioners, both men and women, in varying fields of law throughout New York State.
  6. Career Development. Whether through committee involvement or our vast CLE programming, enrich your career on substantive areas of law.
  7. Develop Lasting Friendships. What may start as a networking relationship has developed for many members into lasting friendships with an amazing group of women and men who champion for women’s rights.
  8. Learn Something New. Our vast array of programs and members who practice in virtually every area of law will allow the possibility to learn something new or even explore an area of law that you ordinarily won’t be exposed to.
  9. Advice and Mentorship. Through our mentorship program, you can be matched with an experienced attorney with similar interests or who practices in an area of law that you are interested in.
  10. Challenge Yourself. The Women in Law Section sponsors a variety of programs throughout the year and publishes two editions of its magazine “WILS Connect” – so challenge yourself by presenting at a program, writing an article, or creating a new program. WILS members are here to support you every step of the way

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