Art Appraisal Methodologies in Equitable Distribution Scenarios
In this webinar, a seasoned art appraiser will demystify the most common valuation methodologies for fine art and collectible assets, specifically in the context of divorce and equitable distribution. The session will include real-time valuations of artworks, illustrating the differences between Fair Market Value, Marketable Cash Value, and Retail Replacement Value, with the aim of granting attendees a more concrete understanding of the financial implications for clients of each valuation approach, and the risks associated with relying on the wrong one.
Gabrielle Segal, Accredited Appraiser and Art Advisor
Law Students can use coupon code CFL92524EASL for free registration.
Start Date:
- September 25, 2024
Start Time:
- 12:00 PM
End Time:
- 1:00 PM
- Virtual Participation
- Webinar
Product Code:
- EASL92524
Section Member Price:
NYSBA Member Price:
Join (or renew) for special member pricing
Non-Member Price:
Sponsoring Committee Group
- Fine Arts Committee
- Entertainment, Arts & Sports Law Section
- Family Law Section