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Cannabis Law Program – Annual Meeting (2020)

Cannabis Law Program – Annual Meeting (2020)


2020 is looking to be a pivotal year for cannabis law in New York. Our Canadian and Massachusetts neighbors have moved to full legalization. Federal legislation has legalized hemp and the FDA is promulgating regulations for CBD. In 2019, New York decriminalized possession of marijuana and imposed its own rules for hemp-based CBD. As funds continue to flow into cannabis, often from funds based in New York, how will New York as a judicial, commercial and legislative leader act?

The Committee on Cannabis Law will address these issues with panels addressing:

· Legislative and Regulatory Perspectives

· Best Practices for Structuring Deals and Financing

· Developing Commercial Cannabis Case Law

This program will feature in-house and outside counsel for significant participants in the cannabis industry, and thought leaders and representatives from Vanderbilt Law School, the National Cannabis Industry Association and New York Department of Agriculture and Markets. The keynote speaker will be Axel Bernabe, the Assistant Counsel to NY Governor Cuomo for Health.

Committee Co-Chairs

Aleece E. Burgio, Esq. | Barclay Damon, LLP | Buffalo, NY

Brian J. Malkin, Esq. | Arent Fox LLP | Washington, D.C.

Program Chairs

James K. Landau, Esq. | McCarthy Fingar LLP | New York, NY

Paul D. Sarkozi, Esq. | Tannenbaum Helpern Syracuse & Hirschtritt LLP | New York, NY


Axel Bernabe, Esq. | Assistant Counsel to NYS Governor Andrew Cuomo for Health | New York, NY

Cori Annapolen Goldberg, Esq. | Reed Smith LLP | New York, NY

Andrew Kline | The National Cannabis Industry Association | Washington, D.C.

James K. Landau, Esq. | McCarthy Fingar LLP | New York, NY

Robert McQueen, Esq. | PharmaCann LLC | Evanston, IL

Bryan C. Meltzer, Esq. | Feuerstein Kulick LLP | New York, NY

Professor Robert Mikos | Vanderbilt Law School | Nashville, TN

Paul D. Sarkozi, Esq. | Tannenbaum Helpern Syracuse & Hirschtritt LLP | New York, NY

Jeffrey S. Schultz, Esq. | Navy Capital, LLC | Roslyn, NY

Elinor C. Sutton, Esq. | Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan LLP | New York, NY

David Wenger, Esq. | GRA Capital Holdings LLC | New York, NY

Scott H. Wyner, Esq. | New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets | Albany, NY

Published Date:
  • January 28, 2020
  • Online On-Demand
Product Code:
  • VGZ84
Areas Of Professional Practice Credit(s):
  • 3.0
Total Credit(s):
  • 3.0
Recorded Date:
  • 3hr 15min