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What are the Typical Steps in Large, Complex Commercial Arbitrations (2020)

What are the Typical Steps in Large, Complex Commercial Arbitrations (2020)


This program will focus on how commercial arbitration actually works—the extent to which discovery, including depositions, and motion practice, actually take place in arbitration. Based on a wide-scale survey conducted by the American Arbitration Association, this webinar will examine how different arbitration is from litigation in practice and take a fresh look at how effective contemporary commercial arbitration is in terms of achieving the arbitral objectives of expedition and economy without sacrificing fairness. It will provide helpful guidance to arbitrators and counsel on how to conduct contemporary arbitrations.


Charles J. Moxley, Jr., Esq. – MoxleyADR LLC

Jeffrey T. Zaino, Esq. –  American Arbitration Association

Published Date:
  • April 3, 2020
  • Online On-Demand
Product Code:
  • VHC91
Skills Credit(s):
  • 1.0
Total Credit(s):
  • 1.0
Recorded Date:
  • 50min