Beyond the Trash Bin: Proper Disposal of Electronic Data
Technological advances have led to ease of digital storage but also a proliferation of digital data. Just as there is a cultural push to “declutter” tangible items, the importance of properly disposing of electronic data cannot be overstated. Our panelists will discuss what lawyers need to consider to protect themselves when maintaining but also disposing of client data that is stored electronically. The panel will address technological tools available to lawyers ranging from solo practitioners to large law firms, and how they can implement and enforce protocol for disposal.In “BEYOND THE TRASH BIN:PROPER DISPOSAL OF ELECTRONIC DATA” our panelists will review:
- The different categories of electronic data such as cloud storage, email and text communications, and social media.
- How to appreciate volumes and varieties of electronic data that are maintained by organizations and why such data is maintained
- How to understand circumstances that might make data of little or no value and the risks of maintaining such data
- How to recognize how privacy and security concerns have led to regulations and what such regulations might require
- How to suggest processes that might enable organizations to dispose of data in a defensible manner.
- Ethical considerations in disposing of electronic data.
Published Date:
- July 30, 2020
- Online On-Demand
Product Code:
- VJB21
Ethics and Professionalism Credit(s):
- 0.5
Skills Credit(s):
- 1.0
Total Credit(s):
- 1.5
Recorded Date:
- 1hr 15min