For more, visit the Committee on Attorney Well-Being

The New York State Bar Association established an Attorney Well-Being Program in 2022, housed within the Lawyer Assistance Department. This program was in direct response to the 2021 Report and Recommendations from the Task Force on Attorney Well-Being. The mission, driven by dedicated volunteers of the Standing Committee on Attorney Well-Being. This program utilizes an Eight Pillars model intended to provide stress management techniques and burnout prevention tools to all legal professionals. These Eight Pillars take a wholistic approach, supporting the people within the profession to create more sustainable careers. The New York State Bar Association recognizes that change in the legal culture comes not from the individuals alone, but as a collective. With six subcommittees, designed to address wellness in the profession from all perspectives, this strategic planning report has thoughtfully summarized recommendations from the Task Force and turned them in to long-term, implementation.



If you have a well-being question, contact Well-Being Program Manager Jennifer Clayton, or 518.487.5573. All communications are confidential.

Additional resources regarding attorney well-being can be found on the Practice Resources page.