Author: Brendan

NYSBA in the News: September Bar Exam Cancelled, Condemning Roger Stone Commutation, Enforcing NY Quarantine Mandate and Q & A With President Karson

On Friday, July 10th, President Donald Trump commuted the prison sentence of Roger Stone, who was convicted in 2019 of several charges, including witness tampering and lying to a congressional committee. Trump’s decision drew harsh criticism from law enforcement and legal community. New York State Bar Associaton (NYSBA) President Scott M. Karson released a statement early Monday condemning the President’s decision.

New York Cancels September Bar Exam

“In light of the Board of Law Examiners’ decision to cancel the September bar exam, NYSBA will promptly review and make recommendations on how best to proceed.  The class of 2020 has been dealt a difficult hand and many graduates are experiencing stress and strain over the uncertainty surrounding the bar exam, a grim job market, and staggering student debt.”

Mental Health And Wellness In The Legal Profession with Hon. Karen Peters and Libby Coreno | Gold/Fox: Non-Billable

Hon. Karen Peters and Libby Coreno, the co-chairs of the NYSBA Attorney Well-being Task Force join the show to talk about their path on how they became involved in this area of the law, how cultural expectations have led to unhealthy work habits in the legal profession and how the Task Force will examine the factors that negatively impact the health and well-being of the legal community

COVID-19 and Restrictive Covenant Agreements

This article discusses the risks employers may encounter in enforcing their employees’ covenants not to compete, not to solicit or service clients, or not to solicit or hire employees (“restrictive covenants”) if they lay off employees or reduce their compensation.

Workers’ Comp and Working at Home

The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the United States and the world has been enormous and historic. The economic impact on the world has been extraordinary. Following the World Health Organization’s declaration on March 11, 2020 that COVID-19 was a global pandemic, by March 31, 2020, more than one-third of humanity was under some form of lockdown, and by April 7, 2020, roughly 95% of all Americans were under lockdown with 42 states declaring stay-at-home orders.