Author: Brendan

Hank Greenberg & Judy Perry Martinez | What The Legal Community Is Doing To Help Lawyers During Coronavirus Pandemic | Miranda Warnings

Hank Greenberg, President of the New York Bar Association and Judy Perry Martinez, President of the American Bar Association join David to discuss how the coronavirus pandemic is impacting the U.S. courts and legal system and how bar leaders are addressing this crisis. Martinez provides an update on the steps courts are taking to ensure … Continued

State Bar Association Launches Emergency Task Force To Assist Solo Practitioners, Small Law Firms, Impacted by Coronavirus

The New York State Bar Association is establishing an emergency COVID-19 Task Force to Assist Solo Practitioners and Small Firms as they weather and prepare to recover from the severe economic crisis created by the coronavirus and its dramatic impact on the entire economy – including the practice of law. “COVID-19 is having a devastating … Continued