Category: Media Mentions

As Parole Drives Incarceration, Can NYs Bar Spur Reforms?

Law360 quoted President Greenberg and the co-chairs of NYSBA’s Task Force on the Parole System. (may require subscription) When people are released from New York state prison and placed under parole supervision, they are subject to conditions that, if broken, can lead them right back to their cells. So-called “technical parole violations” include things like … Continued

NYSBA Addresses Issues Faced by Student Journalists

The Chronicle mentioned NYSBA and its Task Force on Free Expression in the Digital Age’s upcoming event. The New York State Bar Association has created a task force on how to deal with the issues that plague local journalism in the age of technology. For various issues, the Bar Association wants to provide a legal … Continued

Letter: Rural NY lacks attorneys, media

The Albany Times-Union published President Greenberg’s letter to the editor about the Task Forces on Free Expression in the Digital Age and Rural Justice. (may require subscription) Rex Smith writes eloquently in his column “Rural areas need more than words,” Nov. 23, about the “deterioration” of rural America. He rightly issues a call for policymakers … Continued

Are there legal means for protecting local media from dying out?

The Washington Post published President Greenberg’s letter to the editor about the Task Force on Free Expression in the Digital Age. (may require subscription) Margaret Sullivan’s dire warning in her Nov. 25 Style column, “A looming death knell for local journalism,” about the loss of local newspapers, was timely and important. Local newspapers have been … Continued

Simplifying the NY Court System

WAMC published President Greenberg’s message on simplifying New York’s court structure. For decades, leaders of the judiciary, bar associations and good government groups have highlighted the need to modernize New York’s court system. Sadly, both for those who work in the system and the people it serves, the calls of court reformers have largely fallen on … Continued

Students assist in creation of Syosset Schools Code of Conduct

The Syosset Advance referenced NYSBA’s Task Force on the School to Prison Pipeline and its recommendations. Over the past several months the Syosset Central School District has worked to enhance its official Code of Conduct to become a “Code of Conduct, Character and Support,” according to Superintendent of Schools Dr. Thomas Rogers. Groups of students worked … Continued

New York State Bar Updates Attorney Advice on Medical Marijuana

Bloomberg Law reported on the Committee on Professional Ethics’ Opinion 1177. (may require subscription) The New York State Bar Association recently reaffirmed that attorneys can help clients comply with the state’s medical marijuana law without running afoul of professional ethics Rule 1.2(d), prohibiting counseling a client to break the law. Federal law prohibits the sale, … Continued

Elena Kagan Named to Receive NY State Bar Associations Highest Honor

The New York Law Journal quoted President Greenberg on the announcement that U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Elena Kagan will receive the next Gold Medal Award. (may require subscription) U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Elena Kagan will be the next recipient of the New York State Bar Association’s Gold Medal Award, making her only the … Continued

Port Jervis Landlords Complain About New State Law

The Times Herald-Record (Middletown) mentioned the Bar Journal’s article on the Housing Stability and Tenant Protection Act of 2019. State Assemblyman Karl Brabenec blamed “far left liberals” for the Housing Stability and Tenant Protection Act of when he spoke at the Port Jervis Landlords Association meeting last week. “Many legislators vote for bills without reading them … Continued