Cannabis Law Section
The newly approved Cannabis Law Section is charged with serving as the New York State Bar Association’s focal point for the evolving legal status of Cannabis at both the state and federal level.
This emerging, constantly evolving legal industry provides our members with the opportunity to have a significant impact. Our members are helping to shape this new and complex industry.
We hope you’ll join us on this mission.
Cannabis law is perhaps one of the fastest growing yet complex areas of the law that poses a broad spectrum of challenges. This Section seeks to help NYSBA lawyers give their clients better advice through sharing educational resources, and otherwise helping New York set the highest possible legal and business (including advice to medical professionals) standards for legalized Cannabis products.
To help expand the reach of the Cannabis Law Section to the entire NYSBA membership, some of our members have volunteered to be Liaisons with other NYSBA Sections. Please feel free to contact your Section’s liaison from the list below to learn how you can get involved.
Business Law Section – Glenn J. Witecki, Esq.
Corporate Counsel Section – Lee Williams, Esq.
Criminal Justice Section – John Joseph Montes, Esq.
Elder Law and Special Needs Section – Jeffrey A. Asher, Esq.
Entertainment, Arts and Sports Law Section – Diane Krausz, Esq.
Environmental and Energy Law Section – Telisport W. Putsavage, Esq.
Executive Committee – Jonathan B. Behrins, Esq.
Food, Drug & Cosmetic Law Section – Brian J. Malkin, Esq. and Thomas J. Schultz, Esq.
General Practice Section – Elisa Strassler Rosenthal, Esq.
Health Law Section – Sandra Jensen, Esq., Noah B. Potter, Esq. and Jay B. Silverman, Esq.
Intellectual Property Law Section – Robert Laurence Greenberg, Esq.
International Law Section – Jose Alberto Campos, Esq.
Labor and Employment Law Section – Alyson Matthews, Esq., Geoffrey A. Mort, Esq. and Samuel Sverdlov, Esq.
Real Property Law Section – Aleece E. Burgio, Esq.
Tax Section – Jason Klimek, Esq.
Trusts and Estates Law Section – Regina Kiperman, Esq.
Young Lawyers Section – Michael James Sullivan, Esq.
Contact the Cannabis Law Section Liaison
To learn more about this Section, please contact Tara Lana
[email protected]
(518) 487-5596
Please do not contact the Section liaison with a request for legal advice or an attorney referral. You can instead visit our ‘Public Resources’ or ‘Lawyer Referral Service’ page for this type of request.
Jeffrey Shultz, Esq.
Partner, Foley Hoag LLP
New York, NY
Jeffrey Schultz focuses his practice on representing cannabis industry operators, investors and ancillary businesses on corporate and securities law matters, early-stage corporate structuring and financing, joint ventures, strategic partnerships, as well as state and federal regulatory matters impacting the cannabis industry. Jeff also advises cannabis industry operators on M&A, banking laws, and intellectual property matters.
With considerable expertise in the 1933 Act, the 1934 Act, the Investment Company Act, and the Investment Advisers Jeff represents hedge funds, private equity funds, venture capital funds and family offices, bringing particular legal proficiency to fund structuring, SEC compliance, mergers and acquisitions, trading in various financial instruments, and day-to-day operational matters for investors, including the nuanced legal issues related to cannabis capital markets.
Beyond traditional legal advice, Jeff uses his cannabis industry expertise and extensive network to assist companies of all sizes, from start-up to publicly traded businesses, to develop creative and efficient financing solutions, turn-around initiatives, and strategic growth plans.
As an extension of his formal legal practice, Jeff advises stakeholders on the local, state and federal level on the adoption and implementation of medical and adult-use cannabis policy. Jeff has advocated to the US Senate and House on cannabis policy reforms, including passage of the SAFE Banking Act and 280E reform. Jeff is an advisor to the Weldon Project where he has assisted on various federal policy reform initiatives, including direct discussions with the Biden White House and the Department of Justice. Jeff is also a regular participant in the Congressional Cannabis Caucus’ Cannabis Working Group in Washington D.C.
Jeff has been featured in, has contributed to, and published Op-Eds in numerous media outlets and publications, including the Wall Street Journal, Politico, MarketWatch, MJBiz Daily, MJBiz Magazine, Benzinga, law.com, Cannabis & Tech Today, and Corporate Counsel. He is a sought-after speaker and cannabis industry thought leader, having presented at MJBizCon (Las Vegas), CWCB Expo (New York) and GAIM Ops (Cayman Islands), among several others.
Initial Report Regarding Legalized Cannabis Legislation in New York State (January 31, 2020)
Secure and Fair Enforcement (“SAFE”) Act, H.R. 1595, passed September 26, 2019
ABA Resolution 104 (August 2019) Encouraging state primacy in cannabis regulation; removal of cannabis from Schedule 1 and more cannabis research
NSYBA Press Release: Committee on Cannabis Law to Study Possible Adult Use Legalization
Cannabis Law Section Committee
Criminal Law Committee (Cannabis Law Section)
Energy and Environment Committee (Cannabis Law Section)
Ethics and Professionalism Committee (Cannabis Law Section)
Executive Committee (Cannabis Law Section)
Finance (Cannabis Law Section)
Hemp and CBD
Legislative Committee (Cannabis Law Section)
Local Government (Cannabis Law Section)
Programming Committee (Cannabis Law Section)
Regulatory Committee (Cannabis Law Section)
Reports and Publications Committee (Cannabis Law Section)
Social Equity and Community Reinvestment Committee
Tax Committee (Cannabis Law Section)
CLE Online on Demand
Cannabis Update 2019
2.0 MCLE Credits | 2.0 Areas of Professional Practice
CBD Oil, Hemp and Cannabis Update | What Lawyers Need to Know in Advising Clients
1.0 MCLE Credit | 1.0 Areas of Professional Practice
Hot Topics in Cannabis Law: CBD Rulemaking, CRTA, Advertising Issues and Ethical Considerations
4.0 MCLE Credits | 3.0 Areas of Professional Practice, 1.0 Ethics
Hot Topics in Cannabis Law: What Lawyers Need to Know
4.0 MCLE Credits | 3.0 Areas of Professional Practice, 1.0 Ethics
Practical Implications of Decriminalized Marijuana for the Legal Practitioner
6.5 MCLE Credits | 6.5 Areas of Professional Practice
Cannabis Law Update 2018
1.0 MCLE Credit | 1.0 Areas of Professional Practice
Legislative Developments in Medical Marijuana in New York 2018
3.0 MCLE Credits | 3.0 Areas of Professional Practice
Patient, Provider and Registered Organizations Perspective on Medical Marijuana and Adult Use in New York
3.5 MCLE Credits | 3.0 Areas of Professional Practice, 0.5 Ethics
Cannabis Law in New York State and the U.S. 2018
3.0 MCLE Credits | 3.0 Areas of Professional Practice
Medical Marijuana and Adult Use in New York
3.5 MCLE Credits | 3.0 Areas of Professional Practice, 0.5 Ethics
Cannabis & Cars and Handling DWI Drug Cases
2.0 MCLE Credits | 2.0 Areas of Professional Practice
21 U.S.C. 801 et seq. (the CSA)
The Cole Memorandum (DOJ guidance to US Attorneys regarding enforcement of the federal marijuana ban)
BSA Expectations Regarding Marijuana-Related Businesses (FinCen guidance to banks regarding providing services to marijuana-related businesses)
Rohrabacher Farr Amendment (appropriations rider that bars the DOJ from spending appropriated funds to prevent the implementation of state medical marijuana laws)
United States v. McIntosh, 833 F.3d 1163 (9th Cir. 2016) (key case interpreting Rohrabacher-Farr)
Sessions Memorandum on Marijuana Enforcement [January 4, 2018]
New York
New York Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act
NY.gov Cannabis Website
NY Compassionate Care Act (original enabling legislation)
NY Medical Use of Marihuana Program Regulations (implementing regulations)
NY State Medical Marijuana Program (program website)
NY State Bar Association, Opinion 1024, Counseling Clients in Illegal Conduct: Medical Marijuana Law
Assessment of the Potential Impact of Regulated Marijuana in New York State (New York State Department of Health, July 2018)
New York State Interagency Working Group to Study Possible Legalization
New York State Conducts 17 Regulated Marijuana Listening Sessions
New York State’s Medical Marijuana Program: NYCRR Part 1004
NYSBA Articles of Interest
State Bar News Article – Cannabis Committee Created
State Bar News Article – Making Sense of NY Cannabis Law
NYSBA Press Release – NYSBA Creates New Committees to Examine Cannabis and Transportation Law
The Environmental Lawyer Article – Legal Pot Industry Bugged by Lack of Pesticide Guidance by Telisport W. Putsavage
Academic Blogs and Research Sites
Brookings Think-tank that conducts research on marijuana policy (among other topics)
Marijuana Law, Policy, and Authority. Law professor blog and textbook website covering broad range of developments in marijuana law. By Professor and Committee on Cannabis Law Academic Advisor Robert Mikos.
Marijuana Law, Policy & Reform. Law professor blog covering broad range of developments in marijuana law. By Professor Doug Berman.
National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL). Compiles information on state marijuana reforms.
RAND Drug Policy Research Center. Think-tank that conducts research on marijuana policy (among other topics).
Social Science Research Network (SSRN). Searchable database of social science research on marijuana law and policy (among many other topics).
Bar Association Groups
Michigan State Bar Marijuana Law Section
National Cannabis Bar Association
Oregon State Bar Cannabis Section
News Sites
Cannabis Law Report. News site covering broad range of topics concerning marijuana, and especially marijuana law.
The Cannabist. News site started by Denver Post; covers broad range of topics concerning marijuana.
Cannifornian. News site started by several media outlets; covers broad range of topics concerning marijuana, with a particular focus on California.
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