Couldn’t Attend the Partnership Conference? Watch it On-Demand

The event offered more than two dozen programs and panels educating lawyers on issues such as affordable housing, immigration, education reform, consumer bankruptcy and student loan debt.
The conference opened with a program focused on the years long process for immigrants to get working papers in the United States.
Rachel Braunstein and Susanna Saul of Her Justice presented findings from the group’s recent study of how female immigrant’s lives were dramatically changed after getting a work permit or employment authorization document and landing a legal job.
Another panel highlighted the needs of vulnerable New Yorkers living in public housing. Anna Luft, public housing justice project director at New York Legal Assistance Group, explained that many public housing complexes are built near or in polluted areas.
“Segregated public housing for black people was built in less desirable areas,” Luft said. ” The result is that 70% of Superfund sites are near public housing across the country.”
The New York State Bar Association recorded and produced replays of 25 programs from the conference that you can watch on your schedule for CLE credit.
Below are the courses ready for on-demand viewing:
Amplifying Legal Services Client Stories To Support Police Reform and Advocacy
- 1.5 MCLE Credits
Building Good Working Relationships with Clients who have Mental Health Concerns
- 1.5 MCLE Credits
Public Housing and Public Health
- 1.5 MCLE Credits
Advocacy for Immigrant and Refugee Communities
Applying a Healing Centered Lens to Chronic Absenteeism
- 1.5 MCLE Credits
Limited Scope Legal Information, Legal Advice and More
Racial Disparities in Low Level Traffic Stops: New Approaches to an Old Problem
- 1.5 MCLE Credits
Mortgage Foreclosure: Navigating Settlement Conferences
New Medicaid Dental Coverage Rules
- 1.5 MCLE Credits
RPAPL 753: Equitable Justice in Landlord Tenant Proceedings
- 1.5 MCLE Credits
Rising To Meet the Challenge: Legal Service Providers Strategies
- 1.5 MCLE Credits
Discharging Student Loan Debt in Bankruptcy
Family and Medical Leave Benefits for Workers
Current Legal Issues in Accessing Medicaid Long Term Supports and Services
- 1.5 MCLE Credits
How To Chart a Repaid Path: Article 7-C v. Article 7-D of the RPAPL
- 5 MCLE Credits
Language Justice for New Yorkers
- 5 MCLE Credits
Disparities in Education Disciple and Discrimination
Public Benefits Training for Housing Attorneys
Culturally Competent Lawyering for LGBTQ Clients
Access to Justice for Gender Based Violence Survivors
Expansion of Cash Assistance and Medicaid Eligibility for Non-Citizens
- 5 MCLE Credits
Expanding Special Education to Age 22: Where Are We Know?
Best Practices in Telephonic Fair Hearings
Building Partnerships To Improve Safety Outcomes for Victims of Technology Abuse
- 5 MCLE Credits