Article 81 Guardianship Training – Video Replay

Please join us for this free webinar, offering participants in the 9th Judicial District training which is required for attorneys to be eligible for enrollment in the Part 36 Eligibility List.
Under Article 81 of the Mental Hygiene Law, persons appointed as a court evaluator or guardian, in almost all cases, must receive training approved by the Office of Court Administration. This program has been approved by the Office of Court Administration for such purposes. The highly qualified and experienced practitioners in the health, elder and guardianship law fields on the faculty will highlight the latest legal and regulatory developments in this area as well as the fundamentals of how to serve as an effective guardian or court evaluator. This program fulfills the training requirements for enrollment on the Part 36 Fiduciary Eligibility List as guardian, court evaluator, and attorney for alleged incapacitated persons.
This program is cosponsored by the 9th Judicial District Access to Justice Committee.
Free registration
Please note, this program was previously recorded. Per the NYS CLE Board, newly admitted attorneys will not be able to obtain skills or ethics credit for watching this program.
- November 2, 2022
- 9:00 AM
- 4:00 PM
- 3.5
- 1.0
- 1.5
- 6.0
- Virtual Participation
9:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Live Introduction and Panel Discussion by Sherry Levin Wallach (Current NYSBA President), Hon James L. Hyer, and Hon. Timothy P. McElduff, Jr.
Guardianship Proceedings: Overview and Concepts and Pre- Hearing Procedural Issues
(0.5 Areas of Professional Practice)
Right of the Alleged Incapacitated Person and the Attorney for the AIP: Role, Duties, and Ethics
(1.0 Areas of Professional Practice)
Medical and Treatment Issues, Medical Terminology, Medical Health Care Decisions Act
(0.5 Areas of Professional Practice)
The Court Evaluator: Duties, Responsibilities and Ethics; Preparing the Report
(1.0 Ethics)
The Hearing
(0.5 Areas of Professional Practice)
Part 36 of the Rules of the Chief Judge
(0.5 Areas of Professional Practice)
Community and Institutional Resources and Entitlements
(0.5 Areas of Professional Practice)
Rights of the Person in Need of a Guardian, Duties and Responsibilities of the Guardian of the Person and Property, Part 1
(0.5 Skills)
Duties and Responsibilities of the Guardian and the Person and Property; Reporting Requirements, Part II
(1.0 Skills)
- Hon. James L. Hyer, Planning Co-Chair, New York State Supreme Court Judge | Orange County Supreme Court
- Hon. Timothy P. McElduff, Jr., Planning Co-Chair, Orange County Surrogate’s Court
- Sherry Levin Wallach, Planning Co-Chair, NYSBA President 2021-2022
- Joseph M. Accetta, Esq., Court Attorney/Referee, Westchester County Supreme Court, 9th Judicial District
- Laura M. Brancato, Esq., Littman Krooks, LLP
- Hon. Robert M. Di Bella, Supreme Court Justice, Westchester County Supreme Court, 9th Judicial District
- Michelle Lippa Gartner, Esq., Office of Court Administration, Special Counsel for Surrogate & Fiduciary Matters
- Lisa Herman, Esq., Abrams Fensterman, LLP
- Sara E. Meyers, Esq., Enea, Scanlan & Sirignano, LLP
- Nicolas J. Orecki, Esq., Rowlands & LeBrou, PLLC
- Peter Travitsky, Esq., New York Legal Assistance Group (NYLAG)
- Danielle M. Visvader, Esq., Abrams, Fensterman, Fensterman, Eisman, Formato, Ferrara, Wolf & Carone LLP
- Webinar
- 0LK51Z
- Elder Law & Special Needs Section
- Trusts & Estates Law Section
- Committee on Continuing Legal Education