Domestic Violence Law Series: Assisting Victims Who Are Clients (Part Two)

Domestic Violence-Related Changes to Employment Laws in New York State (12-1)
Recent changes in laws relating to employment for victims of domestic violence have an impact on anyone who has employees, because any employee could be a victim of domestic violence. It is important to understand the obligations, as well as the limitations on those obligations, created under these new statutory requirements. This program will explain these new obligations, and provide some practical information regarding how to assist employees who may be victims of domestic violence.
Need to Know: Assisting Military-Connected Victims of Domestic Violence (1-2)
What assistance may be available to a client you are working with that is connected with the military? How can your client gain access to these services. Where can you find them? How do these services affect or interact with the civilian legal system? This program will provide a brief overview of the answers to these questions. This material will likely be very familiar to those practicing in jurisdictions containing large military installations, but is instead designed to be a general introduction to these topics for people who do not regularly represent military-related clients.
- July 29, 2021
- 12:00 PM
- 2:00 PM
- 1.0
- 1.0
- 2.0
- Virtual Participation
- Ellen C Schell, Speaker;Program Chair, General Counsel, New York State Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence
- Webinar
- 0KT61B
- Family Law Section