Expungement Of Cannabis Convictions

The New York State Bar Association is announcing the launch of its Cannabis Institute, an ongoing series of programs on New York’s recently-enacted Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act, which has been widely hailed as one of the most progressive cannabis laws in the nation. The Institute will educate attorneys, policy makers, and members of the public on the implications and impact of the new law, touching on topics such as equity, labor law, social justice and more.
The program sponsor, Ascend Wellness Holdings, Inc., has agreed to underwrite the cost of the program for any attendee that agrees to take three (3) expungement cases over the course of the next year. For those interested, please use discount code: PROBONO121521 during the checkout process to waive the program fee. For additional questions, please contact probono@nysba.org
Thank you to our Sponsor!
- December 15, 2021
- 12:00 PM
- 2:00 PM
- 2.0
- 2.0
- Virtual Participation
- Emma Goodman, Speaker, The Legal Aid Society
- Vicki Belstadt, Speaker, JustCause (formally known as Volunteer Legal Services Project of Monroe County, Inc.)
- Webinar
- 0LQ31
- Committee on Continuing Legal Education