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New York State Bar Association Trial Academy 2023

New York State Bar Association Trial Academy 2023


Please visit for up to date information on registration, faculty and what to expect!

The 2023 Trial Academy will take place from Saturday, March 11 to Wednesday, March 15, 2023 

Where: Syracuse University College of Law , 950 Irving Avenue, Syracuse, New York 13244

What is the Trial Academy?

The New York State Bar Association Trial Academy is a five-day trial techniques program. Geared toward new and young attorneys, participants will take part in sessions which will advance and improve their courtroom skills. With an emphasis on direct participation, the Trial Academy is a great learning experience for all involved.

Registration and Know Before You Go

Due to the need to prep in advance of the Academy using the two provided fact patterns, registrants are strongly encouraged to register a month in advance.

The materials for the program will include both a criminal and civil fact pattern which will be provided to attendees before the program’s start date. Each morning of the Trial Academy will feature a lecture on the following aspects of the trial process: Jury Selection, Opening Statements, Evidence, Ethics, Objections, Direct Examinations, Cross- Examinations, Trial Motions and Motions in Limine, and Closing Arguments. Each afternoon the lecture group will separate into small break-out groups, or teams. Prior to the start of the program each attendee will receive materials that will include which “problem” or “witness” they are to prepare for each day’s break-out group. You will work with this group and your Team Leader throughout the entire Trial Academy. The break- out groups will allow you and your peers to put the theory of the lecture into practice with the feedback of your Team Leader and the rotating critique faculty. Your presentations will be recorded to allow for personal playback and review.

Scholarships are available!  Download an application here:

Hotel Information:

A limited number of rooms are available at a discounted rate at the Sheraton Syracuse University Hotel & Conference Center, 801 University Avenue, Syracuse, New York 13210.  The discounted rate is $130 per night. Please reserve by Monday, February 6, 2023. 

Reserve your room online at

Dineen Hall is a 10 minute walk from the Sheraton Hotel.

Thank you to our Sponsors!

Silver Sponsors

Supporting Section Sponsor:

Refund Policy:

There will be no refunds for cancellations as of March 1st, 2023.

Start Date:
  • March 11, 2023
End Date:
  • March 15, 2023
Start Time:
  • 8:30 AM
End Time:
  • 1:00 PM
Areas Of Professional Practice Credit(s):
  • 10.5
Ethics and Professionalism Credit(s):
  • 2.0
Skills Credit(s):
  • 19.0
Total Credit(s):
  • 31.5
  • Syracuse
  • Syracuse University College of Law
    950 Irving Avenue Dineen Hall
    Syracuse, NY
  • In-Person
Product Code:
  • 0MN96
Sponsoring Committee Group
  • Committee on Continuing Legal Education
  • Criminal Justice Section
  • Young Lawyers Section
  • Trial Lawyers Section
  • Torts, Insurance, & Compensation Law Section
  • Real Property Law Section
  • Family Law Section
  • Intellectual Property Law Section